Counting ducks (Chinese children's song)
ID: counting-ducks-chinese-children-s-song
Counting ducks (Chinese children's song) by
Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 2024-12-23
Lyrics: 1983 by Wang Jiazhen.
Music: 1995 by Hu Xiaohuan.
In front of the door, under the bridge游过一群鸭
a group of ducks swam by快来快来数一数
Quickly come count them二四六七八
Two, four, six, seven, eight咕嘎咕嘎
Quack, quack, quack真呀真多呀
There's really a lot of them数不清到底多少鸭
I can't count exactly how many ducks there are赶鸭老爷爷
Old man herding ducks (The documentary Most Dangerous Ways To School - Vietnam for example shows a fantastic example of a person herding ducks on a river in Vietnam)胡子白花花
with a shinning white beard唱呀唱着家乡戏
He sings his hometown opera (TODO this deserves further invetigation and examples)还会说笑话
and he can also tell jokes小孩,小孩
Children, children快快上学校
quickly go to school别考个鸭蛋抱回家
Don't go home with zero points in your exam. (Lit. "Don't bring a duck's egg home", an expression that means to have zero score at an exam, and which here fits in perfectly with the theme of the song.)
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