- phaser/hello.html: a minimal hello world adapted from web.archive.org/web/20230323212804/https://phaser.io/tutorials/getting-started-phaser3/part5. Not an actual game strictly speaking though, just shows the phaser logo bouncing around the screen.Fully contained in a single HTML file, except that it loads the phaser library and image assets from the web.
- phaser/hello-game.html: an actually hello world game where you have to collect stars and avoid bombs.Based on labs.phaser.io/index.html?dir=games/firstgame/&q=:
- finished version: labs.phaser.io/view.html?src=src/games/firstgame/part10.js
- corresponding tutorial: web.archive.org/web/20230323210501/https://phaser.io/tutorials/making-your-first-phaser-3-game/part10.
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