Quantum Field Theory book by Mark Srednicki (2006)

ID: quantum-field-theory-book-by-mark-srednicki-2006

Quantum Field Theory book by Mark Srednicki (2006) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Author affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara.
Number of pages: 616!
Don't redistribute clause, and final version by Cambridge University Press, alas, so corrections will never be merged back: web.physics.ucsb.edu/~mark/qft.html. But at least he's collecing erratas for the published (and therefore draft) versions there.
The book is top-level organized in spin 0, spin half, and spin 1. Quite ominous, really.
The preface states that one of its pedagogical philosophies is to "Illustration of the basic concepts with the simplest examples.", so maybe there is hope after all.

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