Reactions to
ID: reactions-to-cirosantilli-com
Deep psychological analyses:
- Hacker News user MichaelZuo comments on a post about CIA 2010 covert communication websites:
Yeah [the website] seems a bit odd, as if the author is intentionally trolling in some areas, or is easily susceptible to being trolled by random folks, and thus displaying some kind of compensation dynamic.
- user
comments:Can your kid be the next Fields Medalist or Nobel Prize winner? I'm here to help, especially if you are filthy rich!
三西猴老哥这一张嘴⏰味拉满,可以封为荣誉中国人Brother Sanxihou’s mouth is so full of flavor that he can be named an honorary Chinese. - from 1000 Monero donation user
:;It reads like an ode to himself, very strange in my opinion. I don't really know what's up with the black-green text scheme, I can barely read any of it.
- originally on 4chan:
a based retard
Is that his own personal site where he has just listed everything he has ever done? Based.
He refers to himself in the third person, because gender has non place in the Sciences. Based autismo.
Holy based. Keep up the good work my man.
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