Who bought Laszlo Hanyecz pizza?
ID: who-bought-laszlo-hanyecz-pizza
TODO who bought the Bitcoins? Is anyone else besides Jeremy Sturdivant
The original forum thread bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137.msg1195 suggests multiple purchases were made, until he had to withdrawl the offer. Perhaps an easier question is how many pizzas he got in the first place.
www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/13on6px/comment/jl55025/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 mentions without source:One source is: bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/the-man-behind-bitcoin-pizza-day-is-more-than-a-meme-hes-a-mining-pioneer
I know. Laszlo Hanyecz estimates that he spent 100,000 BTC on pizza in 2010. Laszlo is the man that invented GPU mining and he mined well over 100,000 BTC.
Related thread from May 2023: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5453728.msg62286606#msg62286606 "Did Laszlo Hanyecz exchange 40000 BTC for 8 pizzas, not 10000 BTC for 2 pizzas?" but their Googling is so bad no one had found the 100,000 quote before Ciro.
As per bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/113831/searching-the-blockchain-based-on-transaction-amount-and-or-date at blockchair.com/bitcoin/outputs?s=time(asc)&q=value(1000000000000),time(2010-05-18..2010-08-05) we can list all the transactions made between the offer and withdrawal dates for value exactly 10k. There are only about 20 of them, and including someone the 22nd of May, so it is extremely likely that this will contain the hits. No repeated recipients however, so it is hard to progress with more advanced analytics tools
Some of the transactions are:8 d1a429c05868f9be6cf312498b77f4e81c2d4db3268b007b6b80716fb56a35ad (29 May) is a common looking transaction with a single input from 1Bc7T7ygkKKvcburmEg14hJKBrLD7BXCkX and two outputs, one likely being the change to 1GH4dRUAagj67XVjr4TV6J9RFNmGYsLe7c and the other the actual value to 138eoqfNcEdeU9EG9CKfAxnYYz62uHRNrA.
- 49d2adb6e476fa46d8357babf78b1b501fd39e177ac7833124b3f67b17c40c2a (22 May 2010 06:17:59 GMT+1). This one has some Google mentions:This is a highly unusual transaction from a single address 17WFx2GQZUmh6Up2NDNCEDk3deYomdNCfk to a single address 1CZDM6oTttND6WPdt3D6bydo7DYKzd9Qik for the exact value with no change.By digging a bit, we see that the input comes from exactly 20 outputs, e.g. 1E43t1VCc3Q3STKauEiUoVqLbT81XT67xj, each of which is a block reward of 50 BTC, the reward value at those early times, thus satisfactorily explaining how the exact 10k value was obtained without change. Because we know that Laszlo was a big GPU miner, it is extremelly likely that this transaction was made by him.
- a1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d (22 May 2010 07:16:31 GMT+1) also has several Google mentions, e.g.:www.blockchain.com/explorer/transactions/btc/a1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d even specially marks it "Bitcoin Pizza" and "Notable". Furthermore, the receiving address 17SkEw2md5avVNyYgj6RiXuQKNwkXaxFyQ is even marked as verified an as belonging to Jeremy Sturdivant.Furthermore this also shows us how Jeremy then transferred about half of Bitcoins 10 minutes later, but we can't know if it was to his own accounts or to cash out.The nature of this transaction is very different from the previous one. It uses a bunch of inputs to a single address 1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4. 1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4 contains a mixture of regular small inputs, but also a bunch of block rewards e.g. www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1MUoh2nJudSDdKu9NkcevaCG1Qe3nZHWFZ, thus also clearly indicating Lsazlo ownership.
The input chain is complex, but it does contain one block reward on the third level: 17PBFeDzks3LzBTyt6bAMATNhowrvx5kBw + 79 rewards 4th level at 045795627ca29ec72a94c23a65ee775ea1949d60b6fba0938b75e1cfe1e6643e.
- d3498960e5f73031f726cb878382cc696938810fa43f918696cbf242afc9765e (04 June): complex chain, unclear
- 2ea2914c131b2798041a80c00c44081a3559233d69d8b367e4244e6b12096610 (10 June): single input/single output. Complex input, but has some 2nd order mines e.g. e6393f613ef12f5708fa511875b8ff5080f6c8864709f8d92bd99435826a9d0d
- ea595789878b673776d0577cbc6063db611bb4e2954e226459d556995f547922 (24 June): single input/single output. Complex input, but has some 2nd order mines e.g. b9a0c2d24a744b79fe001a67468c456746b74e94a6ce68a2e5f80bf645d678b9
- 461f91a98bbe2f269d8af938039e185287761677f0418fcc8238c5f3dca72935 (02 Jul 2010 08:39:17 GMT+1): single 20k input to two 10k outputs. Did he get 2x two pizzas at once? Complex input.
- a47f927ca1adeeb4394200e8a37a9297b07e784a251569074a9fc2c04855560f (02 Jul 2010 09:07:35 GMT+1): too close in time to the previous one, unless he was having a massive pizza party with invitees!
- 77036fa2ac75212be1ce93e8e1008d5cb2bcbb51aa560a5fe29c9c1423bbd00e (02 Jul 2010 09:14:33 GMT+1): the party grows even larger
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