Ampere in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units Updated +Created
Starting in the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, the elementary charge is assigned a fixed number, and the Ampere is based on it and on the second, which is beautiful.
This choice is not because we attempt to count individual electrons going through a wire, as it would be far too many to count!
Rather, it is because because there are two crazy quantum mechanical effects that give us macroscopic measures that are directly related to the electron charge. by the NIST explains that the two effects are:
Those effect work because they also involve dividing by the Planck constant, the fundamental constant of quantum mechanics, which is also tiny, and thus brings values into a much more measurable order of size.
Animal anatomy Updated +Created
Convolutional neural network Updated +Created
Application programming interface Updated +Created
YouTube channels that just go over Stack Exchange questions Updated +Created
Some people have been creating YouTube channels that just post and go over a large number of Stack Exchange questions, some of them with a quick random intro video. Perfectly legal due to CC BY-SA but really weird stuff!
CC BY Updated +Created
Artificial life Updated +Created
Reactions to's design Updated +Created
People love green on black mostly. about Section "CIA 2010 covert communication websites":
  • user thewildginger:
    Nothing like finding a webpage you can read from Lynx.
  • user socketcluster:
    Based on the choice of fonts and colors, you know this is a serious hacker website ;p
At Reddit user Short_Ad_7853:
Jesus that is an interesting choice of colors from 1000 Monero donation:
  • user -TrustyDwarf-:
    Anyone mind to explain wtf this ugly piece of webpage reminding me of geocities from the 90s is about? I'd read it myself but I can't because it already gave me eye cancer.
  • user rbrunner7:
    It's all quite strange. Never mind the 90s design, people built good websites already back then with the tools at hand, but even their "About" isn't very clear. If you need 5 minutes to be reasonably sure what it is all about they are still doing it wrong.
  • automobi1e
    I'd rather take a look at the welding
Real-time attack speedrun Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli views humans as biological robots, and therefore RTA videos can be thought of as probabilistic TAS with human achievable reflex constraints.
This aspect is especially highlighted in "speed run record evolution videos", which can be quite fun, e.g. Ocarina of Time - World Record History and Progression (Any% Speedrun, 1990s-2017) by retro (2017)
From a similar point of view, Ciro also sometimes watches/learns a bit about competitive PvP games from a "could a computer play this better than a human" point of view.
Ciro also likes to watch commented manual speedruns of games as a way of experiencing the game at a high level without spending too much time on it, often from Games Done Quick. Their format is good because it generally showcases one player focusing more on the gameplay, and three couch commentators to give context, that's a good setup.
It is a
Coprime Updated +Created
Two numbers such that the greatest common divisor is 1.
Taylor expansion definition of the exponential function Updated +Created
The Taylor series expansion is the most direct definition of the expontial as it obviously satisfies the exponential function differential equation:
  • the first constant term dies
  • each other term gets converted to the one before
  • because we have infinite many terms, we get what we started with!
Bitcoin getrawtransaction command Updated +Created
3ad6677303fb6f700a4f2f977fe86e5324e0ddb0d3b33a649e513d7e88904e85 Updated +Created
This contains various outputs that seem trivially spendable in a made up of two non-zero constants, e.g.:
      "value": 0.00002000,
      "n": 9,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "1 8fe61f026c7545a99c6e0f37a5a7eceee5fdf6723c1994ccbfb740556632e9fe",
        "desc": "rawtr(8fe61f026c7545a99c6e0f37a5a7eceee5fdf6723c1994ccbfb740556632e9fe)#lxgt8lak",
        "hex": "51208fe61f026c7545a99c6e0f37a5a7eceee5fdf6723c1994ccbfb740556632e9fe",
        "address": "bc1p3lnp7qnvw4z6n8rwpum6tflvamjlmanj8svefn9lkaq92e3ja8lqcc8mcx",
        "type": "witness_v1_taproot"
Or are we missing something? The values are quite small and wouldn't be worth it the miner fees most likely. But is there a fundamental reason why this couldn't be spent by a non-standard miner?
Sum of three cubes Updated +Created
Compared to Waring's problem, this is potentially much harder, as we can go infinitely negative in our attempts, there isn't a bound on how many tries we can have for each number.
In other words, it is unlikely to have a Conjecture reduction to a halting problem.
Video 1.
3 as the sum of the 3 cubes by Numberphile (2019)
Coulomb's law Updated +Created
Static case of Maxwell's law for electricity only.
The "static" part is important: if this law were true for moving charges, we would be able to transmit information instantly at infinite distances. This is basically where the idea of field comes in.
Video 1.
Coulomb's Law experiment with torsion balance with a mirror on the balance to amplify rotations by uclaphysics (2010)
Regulate the fuck out of advertising Updated +Created
It should be illegal to give someone money to advertise your product.
We should just use tags and upvote-based algorithms.
Advertisement is a form of brainwashing.
TODO find Sergey Brin quote bout advertising being a form of perverting search engine ranking neutrality. In other words, there are neutral metrics to what people find good, like links and upvotes. And then advertising is a way to pervert that to someone's profit.
Sometimes Ciro Santilli thinks advertising should be on-subscription only, but that is too restrictive, e.g. imagine the local business owner who wears a t-shirt of their business.
German learned society Updated +Created
Helium Updated +Created

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