What are insane headers?
I've also now renamed "insane" to "shorthand" everywhere e.g.: docs.ourbigbook.com/macro-shorthand-syntax Hopefully it will be less confusing for future users.
Cool! I spent some time yesterday Wiki binging the main compounds and applications of fluorine. My favorite one is of course Uranium hexafluoride!
If you ever do an experiment that doesn't have a good YouTube video, make sure to strap a GoPro to your head and get it on camera 😊 ourbigbook.com/cirosantilli/videos-of-all-key-physics-experiments
I think I understood something. Your logs contained:
so probably this was a leftover from before we moved from out to _out, you should just remove that folder.
Installing ourbigbook locally is generally the best option, because this way you have a specific version for it on your package.json that you know conversion will work at. See e.g. the template repository for an example: github.com/ourbigbook/template But global install with -g should work too.
About the title of the first header of index.bigb, you can call it whatever you want. It will always have a magic empty ID + a synonym for the title e.g. pioyi-s-index. The title will only show up on static renders like github.com/ourbigbook/template, on ourbigbook.com you see "Home" and your username instead: ourbigbook.com/cirosantilli
Also just to check, which commands are you running exactly? Just ourbigbook --web for upload or something else?
Also, consider updating ourbigbook with:
npm install --save ourbigbook@latest
I've been doing releases regularly, and I can see you are not at latest because now they output directory is called _out. Just in case.
What are insane headers?
It's just using the cute (and recommended) syntax:
= My header
as opposed of the saner longer one:
\H[1][My header]
I should rename this cute but confusing terminology: docs.ourbigbook.com/#insane-macro-shortcut
Could you double check that the sample code is displaying correctly? Backslash in \= should escape the = and not create a header, so I'm assuming it is a formatting error? Or do you actually have backslash in your source code?
You can just dump basically any code directly inside backticks for your sample, you don't need to escape special characters there unless the code contains backticks itself
OK, I've now enabled the mhchem katex extension so you can write stuff like:
which renders as:
Awesome, good luck in the exams 🤞 I'll give it a quick try later on.
No, the more people break it the better!
OK, I've release a fix that will prevent the header newline issues from happening again on server and it also gives a local warning: github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/commit/dc85cf067b926a73f4b17704afcfc29f75b164ea
Also consider:
npm install --save ourbigbook@latest
to get these local conversion updates and a few others I've added recently.
Thanks a lot once again for this report! Local to web upload is hard to get right, and I've had many issues myself, but I try to fix this with high priority, and new users stress it in different ways which is great.
A tip, during web upload, ourbigbook first splits the headers to separate files under out/web, so looking there can help understand what went wrong. But not something I want users to ever have to worry about of course, the goal is that if it converts locally without error, it should upload without error.
OK awesome!
Both of these issues will soon start giving a much clearer and early local error since: github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/commit/c12a72172de22dd356e8b4cb3a9d5fe67c0555f9 which I had recently implemented I just haven't released it yet, I'll ping it when I do for npm update.
Your files have to be really huge before being in a single file starts becoming a problem, so don't worry too much about it.
Previously cirosantilli.com was one humongous README.adoc, but it reached a point where the HTML was too slow to load lol.
That was part of the motivation of ourbigbook. But when you reach that point, ourbigbook makes the transition to multifile will be as seamless as it can be.
BTW you might want to use the {parent= syntax rather than header levels.
= My h1

= My h2
{parent=My h1}

= My h3
{parent=My h2}
This allows you to move chunks around very easily (within the same file, or to other files), without having to change a billion header levels each time.
You could also consider pushing your local source to a public github repo to make it easier to inspect. Also a good idea to backup it in git anyways.
Hmm can you give a bit more of the error logs and perhaps local source? Also double check that every file is reachable from the README.bigb via \\Include (I'm going to add a local check for this soon).
OK, I understood the problem now by inspecting the server DB. The root problem is that you uploaded something like (by accident or due to another ourbigbook bug):
= asdf $$

$$ qwer
which the server incorrectly accepted, such syntax should not be allowed.
When, the web_delete things is what happens when you delete an ID locally, but the server still contains it, so it deletes it from the server, which means: 1) mark as unlisted 2) make the body empty (remove all sub-ids like images) thus leaving you with:
= asdf $$
which is an unclosed string literal thus the error message.
I've now tried to clean that up from the DB, and I'll make sure that the offending syntax is forbidden both locally and on server (I've been adding several such checks in recent patches and I'll add this in as well, I was not aware of it).
Can you try ourbigbook --web again and see if it got fixed?
Some logs for my own reference:
(1 row)

ourbigbook::DATABASE=> select "titleSource" from "File" where "path" LIKE '@pioyi/claus-processcreated-by-the-german-chemist-carl-friedrich-claus-it-makes-it-possible-to-convert-hydrogen-sulfide-from-natural-gas-to-elemental%';
 Claus processCreated by the german chemist Carl Friedrich Claus, it makes it possible to convert hydrogen sulfide (from natural gas) to elemental sulfur.The overall reaction can be descibed as follows: $$
(1 row)

ourbigbook::DATABASE=> select "bodySource" from "File" where "path" LIKE '@pioyi/claus-processcreated-by-the-german-chemist-carl-friedrich-claus-it-makes-it-possible-to-convert-hydrogen-sulfide-from-natural-gas-to-elemental%';
 2 H_2S + SO_2 -> 3S + 2H_20.                                                                                                                       +
 $$                                                                                                                                                 +
 The Claus' process served as a better replacement of the Frasch process, which obtained elemental sulfur from naturally found deposits underground.+
(1 row)

And how I tried to fix it:
ourbigbook::DATABASE=> update "File" set "bodySource" = '' where "path" LIKE '@pioyi/claus-processcreated-by-the-german-chemist-carl-friedrich-claus-it-makes-it-possible-to-convert-hydrogen-sulfide-from-natural-gas-to-elemental%';
ourbigbook::DATABASE=> update "File" set "titleSource" = 'claus-processcreated-by-the-german-chemist-carl-friedrich-claus-it-makes-it-possible-to-convert-hydrogen-sulfide-from-natural-gas-to-elemental-sulfur-the-overall-reaction-can-be-descibed-as-follows-2-h-2s-plus-so-2-3s-plus-2h-20' where "path" LIKE '@pioyi/claus-processcreated-by-the-german-chemist-carl-friedrich-claus-it-makes-it-possible-to-convert-hydrogen-sulfide-from-natural-gas-to-elemental%';
E.g. I dump all kinds of important metadata on title2 like: ourbigbook.com/cirosantilli/list-of-chemical-elements#helium with source: ourbigbook.com/go/source/cirosantilli/helium
These are things that would be really cool to have as a more structured metadat like Wikipedia does via Wikidata, but I'm staying off the structured data for now, though tempted.
Awesome! Good reminder that I need to add comment editing as well 😂
And as usual, feel free to write about anything you want and at any quality level, including quick drafts or self notes. There is no moderation and nor algorithmic downside for crap content of any kind.
I fixed the random logout issues at: github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/commit/1175ae40cec5acc7297d4ffb450644966fcd01bb Let me know if you encounter any further problems with it.