Fifth Solvay Conference (1927) Updated +Created
Politics of the United Kingdom Updated +Created
Education in the United Kingdom Updated +Created
Open knowledge Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli's raison d'etre, one of his attempts:
The outcome of closed knowledge is reverse engineering.
Principal investigator Updated +Created
Backstory Updated +Created
Linear independence Updated +Created
Carl Mark Force Updated +Created
Full name Carl Mark Force IV, the fourth! As mentioned at (this made Ciro Santilli laugh quite hard:
Carl Mark Force IV - the other corrupt cop charged alongside Bridges - is pretty hard to beat, just name-wise.
feathersjs/feathers-chat Updated +Created
The main FeathersJS hello world demo. Notable missing things...
Ciro Santilli's e-soulmates Updated +Created
Some other idealists that are a bit further out but with some similarities:
Ciro Santilli also things of those people as being part of his 108 Stars of Destiny troupe.
Ciro sometimes ponders why is it so hard to find people online that you truly love and admire. Maybe it is for similar reasons why it is also hard in the real world: the great variety of human interest, and the great limitation of our attention spans. But online, where we have access to "everyone", shouldn't it should be easier? Not naturally finding such people is perhaps one of the greatest failings of our education system.
Verilog Updated +Created
Examples under verilog, more details at Verilator.
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge dataset Updated +Created
Contains 1,281,167 images and exactly 1k categories which is why this dataset is also known as ImageNet1k: clarifies a bit further how the categories are inter-related according to WordNet relationships:
The 1000 object categories contain both internal nodes and leaf nodes of ImageNet, but do not overlap with each other. lists all 1k labels with their WordNet IDs.
n02119789: kit fox, Vulpes macrotis
n02100735: English setter
n02096294: Australian terrier
There is a bug on that page however towards the middle:
n03255030: dumbbell
n02102040: English springer, English springer spaniel
and there is one missing label if we ignore that dummy href= line. A thinkg of beauty!
Also the lines are not sorted by synset, if we do then the first three lines are:
n01440764: tench, Tinca tinca
n01443537: goldfish, Carassius auratus
n01484850: great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias has lines of type:
n02119789 1 kit_fox
n02100735 2 English_setter
n02110185 3 Siberian_husky
therefore numbered on the exact same order as lists all 1k labels as a plaintext file with their benchmark IDs.
{0: 'tench, Tinca tinca',
 1: 'goldfish, Carassius auratus',
 2: 'great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias',
therefore numbered on sorted order of
The official line numbering in-benchmark-data can be seen at LOC_synset_mapping.txt, e.g.
n01440764 tench, Tinca tinca
n01443537 goldfish, Carassius auratus
n01484850 great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias also has some useful metrics on the split:
  • train: 1,281,167 images, 145.7 GB zipped
  • validation: 50,000 images, 6.67 GB zipped
  • test: 100,000 images, 13.5 GB zipped
Learning management system Updated +Created
A more specific type of E-learning website generally run by a specific organization.
A website, usually hosted by an university, that takes what is done in class, and pastes it online. It is already much more rational and efficient, and opens up the way for potential sharing outside of the institution (or by default paywalling as the University of Oxford did.
The fundametnal problem with VLEs is that they tend to not have enough incentives for students to contribute at all to the content. This is basically the major motivation behind
Plausible deniability Updated +Created
Privacy Updated +Created
Tabla player Updated +Created
Two are riculously well known:
Degree of a polynomial Updated +Created
Transmembrane protein Updated +Created
Product of group subsets Updated +Created
Synthetic geometry Updated +Created
A way to defined geometry without talking about coordinates, i.e. like Euclid's Elements, notably Euclid's postulates, as opposed to Descartes's Real coordinate space.

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