Much of this section will be dumped at Section "Website front-end for a mathematical formal proof system" instead.
A proof in some system for the formalization of mathematics.
Intuitively: unordered container where all the values are unique, just like C++
.More precisely for set theory formalization of mathematics:
- everything is a set, including the elements of sets
- string manipulation wise:
is an empty set. The natural number0
is defined as{}
as well.{{}}
is a set that contains an empty set{{}, {{}}}
is a set that contains two sets:{}
{{}, {}}
is not well formed, because it contains{}
Set of ordered pairs. That's it! This is illustrated at:
An ordered pair of two real numbers with the complex addition and multiplication defined.
Forms both a:
- division algebra if thought of with complex multiplication as the bilinear map of the algebra
- field