diff3 by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
diff3 conflict is basically what you always want to see, either by setting it as the default as per stackoverflow.com/questions/27417656/should-diff3-be-default-conflictstyle-on-git:
git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
or as a one off:
git checkout --conflict=diff3
With this, conflicts now show up as:
++<<<<<<< HEAD
++||||||| parent of 7b0f59d (6)
+ 6
++>>>>>>> 7b0f59d (6)
7b0f59d is the SHA-2 of commit 6.
instead of the inferior default:
++<<<<<<< ours
+ 6
++>>>>>>> theirs
We can also observe the current tree state during resolution:
* b4ec057 (HEAD, master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
| * fbfbfe8 (my-feature) 7
| * 7b0f59d 6
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
so we understand that we are now at 5 and that we are trying to apply our commit 6
So it is much clearer what is happening:
  • master changed the code from 3 to 5
  • our feature changed the code from 3 to 6
and so now we have to decide what the new code is that will put both of these together.
Let's say we decide it is 5 + 6 = 11 and continue rebasing:
git add .
git rebase --continue
We now reach:
++<<<<<<< HEAD
++||||||| parent of fbfbfe8 (7)
+ 7
++>>>>>>> fbfbfe8 (7)
and the tree looks like:
* ca7f7ff (HEAD) 6
* b4ec057 (master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
| * fbfbfe8 (my-feature) 7
| * 7b0f59d 6
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
So we understand that:
  • after the previous step we added commit 6 on top of 5
  • now we are adding 7 on top of the new 6 (which we decided would contain 11)
and after resolving that one we now reach:
* e1aaf20 (HEAD -> my-feature) 7
* ca7f7ff 6
* b4ec057 (master) 5
* 0b37c1b 4
* 661cfab 3
* 6d748a9 2
* c5f8a2c 1
git mergetool with meld or kdiff3 by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
These are good free newbie GUI options:
sudo apt install meld
git mergetool --tool meld

sudo apt install kdiff3
git mergetool --tool kdiff3
Let's make a more interesting conflict:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eux

add() (
  rm -f f
  for i in `seq 10`; do
    printf "before $i\n\n" >> f
  printf "conflict 1 $1\n\n" >> f
  for i in `seq 10`; do
    printf "middle $i\n\n" >> f
  printf "conflict 2 $2\n\n" >> f
  for i in `seq 10`; do
    printf "after $i\n\n" >> f
  git add f

rm -rf git-tips-2
mkdir git-tips-2
cd git-tips-2
git init

for i in 1 2 3; do
  add $i $i
  git commit -m $i

add 3 4
git commit -m 4

add 5 4
git commit -m 5

git checkout HEAD~2
git checkout -b my-feature

add 3 6
git commit -m 6

add 7 6
git commit -m 7
But which commit from master did we conflict with exactly? by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
git rebase does not tell you that, and that sucks.
We only know which commit from the feature branch caused the problem.
Generally we can guess or it is not needed, but imerge does look promising: stackoverflow.com/questions/18162930/how-can-i-find-out-which-git-commits-cause-conflicts
Move your branch on top of newest master by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
5 master
4 7 my-feature HEAD
| |
3 6
git rebase
7 my-feature HEAD
5 master
Ready to push with linear history!
Modify contents of an old commit in your branch by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
7 my-feature HEAD
5 master
Oh, commit 6 was crap:
git rebase -i HEAD~2
Mark 6 to be modified.
7 my-feature HEAD
5 master
Better now, ready to push.
Note: history changes change all commits SHAs. All parents are considereEven time is considered. So is commit message/author. And obviously file contents. So now commit "7" will actually have a different SHA.
Merge two or more commits into one by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
7 my-feature HEAD
5 master
Oh, commit 6 was just a temporary step, should be put together with commit 7:
git rebase -i HEAD~2
Mark 6 to be squashed.
67 my-feature HEAD
5 master
Better now, ready to push.
AI People by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Video 1.
AI Game - LLM-driven NPCs that can talk by Marek Rosa (2023)
Source. Not the most amazing demo, but the idea is there. Seems to be a preview for AI People. The previous working title seems to have been AI Odyssey.
Marek Rosa by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
HAVING (SQL) by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
In this example we cache track the number of posts per user on a cache column.
JCVI-syn3B by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
CVI-syn3B strains differ from JCVI-syn3.0 by the presence of 19 additional non-essential genes that result in a more easily manipulated cell. JCVI-syn3B additionally includes a dual loxP landing pad that enables easy Cre recombinase mediated insertion of genes
It is also interesting to see how they are interested in co-culture with HeLa cells, presumably to enable infectious bacterial disease studies.
At biology.indiana.edu/news-events/news/2023/lennon-minimal-cells.html (2023) they let it re-evove to it it would regain some fitness, and it did.
@cirosantilli/_file/js/matterjs/js/matterjs/examples.html by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A multi-scenario demo.
Run MLperf v2.1 ResNet on Imagenette by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Let's run on this Imagenet10 subset, Imagenette.
First ensure that you get the dummy test data run working as per MLperf v2.1 ResNet.
Next, in the imagenette2 directory, first let's create a 224x224 scaled version of the inputs as required by the benchmark at mlcommons.org/en/inference-datacenter-21/:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -rf val224x224
mkdir -p val224x224
for syndir in val/*: do
  syn="$(dirname $syndir)"
  for img in "$syndir"/*; do
    convert "$img" -resize 224x224 "val224x224/$syn/$(basename "$img")"
and then let's create the val_map.txt file to match the format expected by MLPerf:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/aaronpolhamus/964a4411c0906315deb9f4a3723aac57/raw/aa66dd9dbf6b56649fa3fab83659b2acbf3cbfd1/map_clsloc.txt
rm -f val_map.txt
while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ]; do
  synset="$(printf '%s\n' "$p" | cut -d ' ' -f1)"
  if [ -d "val224x224/$synset" ]; then
    for f in "val224x224/$synset/"*; do
      echo "$f $i" >> val_map.txt
  i=$((i + 1))
done < <( sort map_clsloc.txt )
then back on the mlperf directory we download our model:
wget https://zenodo.org/record/4735647/files/resnet50_v1.onnx
and finally run!
DATA_DIR=/mnt/sda3/data/imagenet/imagenette2 time ./run_local.sh onnxruntime resnet50 cpu --accuracy
which gives on P51:
TestScenario.SingleStream qps=164.06, mean=0.0267, time=23.924, acc=87.134%, queries=3925, tiles=50.0:0.0264,80.0:0.0275,90.0:0.0287,95.0:0.0306,99.0:0.0401,99.9:0.0464
where qps presumably means "querries per second". And the time results:
446.78user 33.97system 2:47.51elapsed 286%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 964728maxresident)k
The time=23.924 is much smaller than the time executable because of some lengthy pre-loading (TODO not sure what that means) that gets done every time:
INFO:imagenet:loaded 3925 images, cache=0, took=52.6sec
INFO:main:starting TestScenario.SingleStream
Let's try on the GPU now:
DATA_DIR=/mnt/sda3/data/imagenet/imagenette2 time ./run_local.sh onnxruntime resnet50 gpu --accuracy
which gives:
TestScenario.SingleStream qps=130.91, mean=0.0287, time=29.983, acc=90.395%, queries=3925, tiles=50.0:0.0265,80.0:0.0285,90.0:0.0405,95.0:0.0425,99.0:0.0490,99.9:0.0512
455.00user 4.96system 1:59.43elapsed 385%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 975080maxresident)k
TODO lower qps on GPU!
Pernosco by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
Proprietary extension to Mozilla rr by rr lead coder Robert O'Callahan et. al, started in 2016 after he quit Mozilla.
NISQ algorithm by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
A quantum algorithm that is thought to be more likely to be useful in the NISQ era of quantum computing.

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