In 2017 apparently they've started making their own Web Graphs, i.e. they parse the HTML and extract the graph of what links to what.
This is exactly what we need for an open implementation of PageRank.
Edit: actually, they already calculate PageRank for us!!! Fantastic!!! Main section: Section "Common Crawl web graph official PageRank".
The graphs are dumped in BVGraph format.
A quick exploration of the graph can be seen at:
Their source code is at:
This appears to be the direct precursor project of the Common Crawl web graph official PageRank
This section is about:
Did not contain either of or as of 2025!
Based on Common Crawl 2012, and they don't seem to be updating it regularly...
Created by the Università degli Studi di Milano.
This section is about more "open" PageRank implementations, notably using either or both of:
- open source software
- open web crawling data such as Common Crawl
As of 2025, the most open and reproducible implementation appears to be whatever Common Crawl web graph official PageRank does, which is to use WebGraph. It's quite beautiful.
I wanted to do a quick exploration of open PageRank implementation and data.
My general motivation for this is that a PageRank-like algorithm could be useful for more accurate user and article ranking on OurBigBook, see: Section "PageRank-like ranking"
But it could also be just generally cool to apply it to other graph datasets, e.g. for computing an Wikipedia internal PageRank.
A quick Google reveals only Open PageRank, but their methods are apparently closed source.
Then I had a look at the Common Crawl web graph data to see if I could easily calculate it myself, and... they already have it! See: Section "Common Crawl web graph official PageRank"
Their graph dumps are in BVGraph graph file format, which is the native format of the WebGraph framework, which implements the format and algorithms such as PageRank.
The only thing I miss is a command line interface to calculate the PageRank. That would be so awesome.
The more I look at it the more I love Common Crawl.