Cool data embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain Updated +Created
This is a collection of cool data found in the Bitcoin blockchain using techniques mentioned at: Section "How to extract data from the Bitcoin blockchain". Notably, Ciro Santilli developed his own set of scripts at to find some of this data. This article is based on data analyzed up to around block 831k (February 2024).
Drop some Bitcoins at 3KRk7f2JgekF6x7QBqPHdZ3pPDuMdY3eWR if you are loaded and like this article in order to support some much needed higher educational reform: Section "Sponsor Ciro Santilli's work on".
When this kind of non-financial data is embedded into a blockchain some people called an "inscription". The study or "early" inscriptions had been called a form of "archaeology"[ref][ref]. Since this is a collection of archeological artifacts, we call it a "museum"!
One really cool thing about inscriptions is that because blockchains are huge Merkle trees, it is impossible to censor any one inscription without censoring the entire blockchain. It is also really cool to see people treating the Bitcoin blockchain basically like a global social media feed!
Starting on December 2022, ordinal ruleset inscriptions took the bitcoin blockchain by storm, and dwarfed in volume all other previous inscriptions. This museum focuses mostly on non-ordinals, though certain specific ordinal topics that especially interest he curators may be covered, e.g. Ordinal ruleset inscription porn and ordinal ASCII art inscription.
Hidden surprises in the Bitcoin blockchain by Ken Shirriff (2014) is a mandatory precursor to this article and contains the most interesting examples of the time. But much happened since Ken's article which we try to cover. This analysis is also a bit more data oriented through our usage of scripting.
Artifacts can be organized in various ways:
In this article we've done a mixture of:
  • themes: if multiple items fall in a theme, we tend to put it there first
  • then by media type if they don't fit any specific theme
  • then by encoding
  • and finally chronologically within each section
Who said it was easy to be a museum curator!
Themes Updated +Created
In this section we document events that led to a large number of thematically related messages being added to the chain., e.g. referencing some current event that happened, as opposed to the media encoding/type like images and text sections.
"Hitler did nothing wrong" meme [ref] is repeated several times, e.g.: tx 41967a7d75e9e1ca8c142a45ce29ea08b451a3b55c3e33538f5cc8a389ec66ab (2015-07-20):
EW Hitler did nothing wrong.
This one is also an Eternity Wall message.
  • tx 1c05bb7c0a8c9498d33a1e6d4a91bbb4c651daa5ea5a21aa5c8c600d3300b8bb Viva Brazil's Impeachment!
  • tx 105fb3a0be8ab50bfa36012e0319a752dee39702cb44f3904cf423eb20367d57 contains a misogenous joke:
    A mulher feia so tem uma coisa a oferecer,uma boa foda(Diego Silva de Oliveira)
    which translates to:
    Ugly women only have one thing to offer, a good fuck
    It is attributed to Diego Silva de Oliveira, possibly this football player:,_born_1990)
  • c72dc315a5504362d01f2dcdfe77826d14a9eb3411b83edd7aa782e95e4a7794 via
    Nota pública de reconhecimento do Acordo Reconformado, assinado pela Agência Transitiva e 
    pela Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, em 22 de Abril de 2015.
  • 1c05bb7c0a8c9498d33a1e6d4a91bbb4c651daa5ea5a21aa5c8c600d3300b8bb via
    Viva Brazil's Impeachment!
Our indexer does not handle UTF-8, here's a collection of some UTF-8 messages we've stumbled upon somewhat randomly:
  • 7eb561f2139761064de20033fa4843f1f3e1a9551268704b36f84d94e66fd91a
    يا سلم!
    شعرك جميل
    و عينيك حلوة
    انا عطشان
    اِروني من عينيك
    O peace!
    Your hair is beautiful
    And your eyes are beautiful
    I'm thirsty
    Show me from your eyes
  • b7376cae03b88392e5fd0292bcb43105386fbb534fc9be68c1e3d0b8f39e5ba4 via
    sjalom, salaam, peace!
  • 7a898b7e6b2145f4f887e1ff890d0b613e3008fbe350aa92662735e3acd0c0bc
    هذه رسالة من المستقبل
    إلى الماضي ...
    الحياة صعبة في المستقبل
    رعاية العالم
    وتحمل المسؤولية
    This is a message from the future
    To the past...
    Life is difficult in the future
    Caring for the world
    And take responsibility
  • 1dcd62c922eb1ddbc1f58615b6271d64736bf55e83408cef02a7d0ac6707e423 via
    А на Земле Быть Добру!
    And on Earth To Be Good!
  • 596cc6e905a5fc8248cf59198a19ce5070228b302a9f3a993197e2c87ddcaf14 via
    Книга Вечно Живущих открыта
    The Book of the Ever-Living is open
  • 596cc6e905a5fc8248cf59198a19ce5070228b302a9f3a993197e2c87ddcaf14 via
    Это тест, сука блять.
    This is a test, motherfucker.
  • ed56ef68ccbfb1d47bc159fb62fab6807ee4d7363d0ad4cded2e922a5b47362e via
    Путин хуйло лалалалалалалалалал
    Putin sucks lalalalalalalalala
  • ac2ad7c15162a8e461387b0d0d681bb5f81f2db1138b8f200b81bbc585bd0b8f via
    Don't forgive Moky's flashbang
  • 0b32736592ce7abdd4d971bc4591544e1610ff51f498c9a14a6ba34a3abcad5d via
    חתימה טובה לכולם בכלל ולחברי ביטקוין ישראלי בפרט.
    A good signature for everyone in general and Israeli Bitcoin members in particular.
  • d7b80c8fefc88cc3f06d74f8496e2dc6f44b5f5f0a59f9ba1ba27266848a8666 via contains what appears to be UTF-8 Hebrew text on my terminal, but Google Translate couldn't translate it, so we are unsure.