Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture in two minutes by Ciro Santilli Updated +Created
Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman Updated +Created
The algorithm is completely analogous to Diffie-Hellman key exchange in that you efficiently raise a number to a power times and send the result over while keeping as private key.
The only difference is that a different group is used: instead of using the cyclic group, we use the elliptic curve group of an elliptic curve over a finite field.
Video 1. Source. shows the continuous group well, but then fails to explain the discrete part.
Elliptic curve group Updated +Created
Elliptic curve point addition Updated +Created
Elliptic curve point addition is the group operation of an elliptic curve group, i.e. it is a function that takes two points of an elliptic curve as input, and returns a third point of the elliptic curve as its output, while obeying the group axioms.
The operation is defined e.g. at For example, consider the most common case for two different points different. If the two points are given in coordinates:
then the addition is defined in the general case as:
with some slightly different definitions for point doubling and the identity point.
This definition relies only on operations that we know how to do on arbitrary fields:and it therefore works for elliptic curves defined over any field.
Just remember that:
and that always exists because it is the inverse element, which is guaranteed to exist for multiplication due to the group axioms it obeys.
The group function is usually called elliptic curve point addition, and repeated addition as done for DHKE is called elliptic curve point multiplication.
Mordell's theorem Updated +Created
The number of points may be either finite or infinite. But when infinite, it is still a finitely generated group.
For this reason, the rank of an elliptic curve over the rational numbers is always defined.
TODO example.