2024-09 | python-bitcoin-blockchain-parser | 1 | Update plyvel==1.5.1 to fix fatal error: longintrepr.h: No such file or directory build |
2024-02 | btcdeb | 0 | fix ‘runtime_error’ is not a member of ‘std’ build error |
2019-09 | KaTeX | 1 | Create globalGroup option to place definitions in global scope |
2018-06 | raspi3-tutorial | 0 | Explain how to see UART1 |
2018-05 | Buildroot | 1 | ltp-testsuite: add --with-open-posix-testsuite |
2018-03 | Buildroot | 1 | qemu_x86_64_defconfig: fix kernel header version after bump to 4.15 |
2017-11 | Cocos2d | 1 | Recreate libfmod.so.6 symlinks |
2017-10 | Cocos2d | 1 | Make bullet use -fPIC |
2017-07 | OPenCL Headers | 0 | C11 anonymous structs / unions should allow xyz notation for vector types |
2017-06 | Linux insides | 0 | Mention Buildroot in addition to ivandaviov/minimal |
2017-06 | opengl-tutorial.org | 0 | Use existing empty layout on feed.xml |
2017-04 | Tiny Renderer | 0 | Add gitignore |
2017-02 | Vulkan Loader | 0 | Use nproc instead of ncpu |
2017-01 | Boost Geometry | 1 | What is "QPoint::double" in doc/example_adapting_a_legacy_geometry_object_model.qbk ? |
2016-12 | Freetype GL | 1 | GLFW Ubuntu package works on 16.10 |
2016-11 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Add C variable printf debug snippets |
2016-09 | Gazebo | 1 | Add a world to the gui_overlay_plugin_time example |
2016-07 | Android Vulkan Tutorials | 1 | Use android API 24 |
2016-07 | minimal linux live | 0 | Fix time sh instead of sh time |
2016-06 | GHDL | 0 | Typo severals -> several in Invoking doc |
2016-06 | GHDL | 1 | Document GCC backend needed to generate executables |
2016-06 | GHDL | 0 | Typo debugger -> debugged in BUILD.txt |
2016-06 | GHDL | 0 | Typo carray -> carry in full adder example |
2016-05 | facedetect | 1 | Add example to extract faces with imagemagick |
2016-05 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | Create data science section and add Kaggle to it |
2016-05 | opengl-tutorial.org | 0 | Add empty line before triple quotes |
2016-05 | Bullet Physics | 1 | Improve HelloWorld |
2016-04 | Freetype GL | 1 | Find out how to compile on Ubuntu and document it |
2016-03 | ranger | 0 | gitignore install_log.txt generated by make install |
2016-03 | ranger | 1 | Add %confdir macro |
2016-03 | ranger | 1 | set_bookmark for directories other than the current |
2016-02 | Jami | 2 | Create working Android video hardware decoding prototype |
2016-02 | Jami | 1 | Started the one command build which was later made official |
2016-01 | leetcode | 1 | Java LRUCache with LinkedHashMap |
2015-12 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | Add InterviewBit to problem sets |
2015-10 | Linux insides | 0 | Recommend ivandaviov/minimal to generate initrd |
2015-08 | bare-metal-tetris | 0 | make clean also removes tetris.iso |
2015-08 | eduOS | 0 | README typos Binutils and NASM |
2015-08 | GDB | 0 | python: fix Linetable case to LineTable in docstrings and comments |
2015-07 | GDB | 0 | Remove outdated comment from call-rt-st.exp |
2015-07 | GDB | 0 | Fix broken CONTRIBUTE link to GNU insignificant changes |
2015-07 | GDB | 1 | py-linetable.c: Fix doc of LineTable.source_lines' return type |
2015-07 | Binutils | 1 | Clarify case requirements for gas pseudo-ops |
2015-07 | Capstone | 0 | Website typos at beyond_llvm |
2015-07 | Vim Session | 1 | auto_save_to option added |
2015-05 | NASM | 0 | doc: typo occationally |
2015-05 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | Computer Science from the Bottom Up |
2015-05 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | problem-sets: leetcode |
2015-05 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | Papers we love |
2015-04 | alternativeTo | 0 | icanprove.com |
2015-04 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | Knapsack Problems |
2015-04 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | LSB |
2015-04 | honza/vim-snippets | 0 | java: prinlna to print array |
2015-04 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | PEG Judge |
2015-03 | GitLab | 1 | Convert many JavaScript # links to buttons |
2015-03 | GitLab | 1 | Factor permission check in issuable finder |
2015-03 | Spring | 0 | Typo Gardle -> Gradle |
2015-02 | Linux insides | 0 | Make x86 paging reference title clearer |
2015-02 | GitLab | 1 | Ignore .bundle |
2015-02 | ebookFoundation/free-programming-books | 0 | Problem sets: CareerCup |
2015-01 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Fix false positive hyphen list item expansion |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Append in place for strings and arrays |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unneeded password_confirmation from seed |
2015-01 | GitLab | 0 | Typo in project API events comment |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Replace match via get with get on routes |
2015-01 | GitLab | 0 | Remove or prepend underscore _ to unused method arguments |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Change always passing visible false tests |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Make blob new and edit file editors more uniform |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Replace regex methods by string ones |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Simplify SSH fingerprint regexp extraction |
2015-01 | GitLab | 1 | Add tests for disabled blob edit button cases v2 |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | permission.md align table, rm double empty line |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | Remove commit indicator from path on Commits tab |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | Make protected branch perms explicit in doc |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | doc workflow markdown style |
2014-12 | GitLab | 1 | Disallow POST to compare as it does not create objects |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | Sort .gitignore |
2014-12 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unused Project#code function |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | Remove unused has_gitlab_shell3? method |
2014-12 | GitLab | 1 | Add tests for tree edit routes |
2014-12 | GitLab | 1 | Disable / hide MR edit blob button if cannot edit |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | Use blob local instead of instance |
2014-12 | GitLab | 1 | Fix dev user seed: ID was used twice |
2014-12 | GitLab | 0 | Fix Rake tasks doc README: add top level h1 |
2014-12 | Ruby | 0 | Typo close -> closes. |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 1 | Add tests for normalize outer whitespace removal |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 1 | spec_tests make --pattern affect --dump-tests |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 1 | Add --number option to run a single test by its id |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 1 | Don't raise exception on invalid UTF-8 output |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 1 | spec_tests add short options for common parameters |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 0 | Ignore pyc files |
2014-12 | CommonMark | 1 | Expose failure to normalize whitespaces |
2014-11 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Markdown bold and italic |
2014-11 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Markdown links URLs from the clipboard |
2014-11 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Markdown autolinks |
2014-11 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Let the short version of links not have title. |
2014-11 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Fix markdown fenced code blocks. |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Delete tags and branches that start with hyphen |
2014-11 | GitLab | 3 | Restore hooks PATH before calling ruby |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Factor regex error messages with spec API tests |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Move new blob commit message textarea below editor |
2014-11 | gitbrute | 0 | Usage |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Factor GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION get method |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Create dev fixture projects with fixed visibility |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Factor using Repository#path_to_repo |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unused authenticate_user from project#show |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Remove dead Event#new_branch? method |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Don't output to stdout from lib non-interactive methods |
2014-11 | GitLab | 2 | Fix version of test seed branches to specific revisions |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Factor '0' * 40 blank ref constants |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Transform remove blob link into button |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Update default regex message to match regex |
2014-11 | GitLab | 0 | Continue strings with backslash instead of append |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Factor behaviors.scss constants |
2014-11 | GitLab | 0 | Remove unneeded backslash: "/" == "/" |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Fix push not allowed to protected branch if commit starts with 7 zeros |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Use require spec_helper instead of relative path |
2014-11 | GitLab | 0 | Fix doc rake import md style |
2014-11 | GitLab | 1 | Factor lib backend gitlab shell path |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Run user select Js only where needed |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Use button type=submit instead of input |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Only run profile js on pages that need it |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Better js -> URL projects map to reduce unneeded execution |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Use Gitlab.config instead of Settings everywhere |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Show nothing instead of unassigned on issues |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Only run namespace select js when needed |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Merge File basename and dirname into split |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Fix import.rake failed import if project name is also an existing namespace |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Remove unused variable user at lib/gitlab/markdown |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Use argument list for sh instead of string |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Only run avatar chooser Js on pages that need it |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove whitespace link between user group avatars |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Fix doc raketasts import md style |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unneeded app/finders config.autoload path |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Improve grack auth hooks comment. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unused admin/projects#repository method |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor admin logs |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unused filter from ProjectsController |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unused dev_tools helper. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor authorize_push! and authorize_code_access! |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Replace match with end_with: more readable, faster |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Use @project on controllers, don't call method |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove param[:project_id] at admin controller |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | DRY mentioned in magic note constant |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor group forms |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | State on CONTRIBUTING that people should fix line style of touched lines |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Export all coffee classes with @ |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Fix missing flash on file edit error from web UI. |
2014-10 | Capybara | 0 | Fix History typo. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Make new and edit file submit more uniform |
2014-10 | libgit2 | 1 | Join typedef and struct definitions in single file |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor dashboard helper methods |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor issue and merge request services |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Replace www.gitlab.com with about.gitlab.com |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Improve formatting of app/finders/README.md |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Remove outdated comment from commits_controller |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor markup? gitlab_markdown? into new method |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unused title parameter |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Make Spinach test names consistent |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Ignore .bundle |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Ignore tags file |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Split one instance variable per line |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Factor commit message textareas |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove outdated comment on the project test seed |
2014-10 | GitLab | 0 | Remove assignment without effect. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Add parenthesis to function def with arguments. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove test line without effect because no should. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Improve remove file commit message textarea placeholder |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Replace :erb filter with plain HAML |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Remove blame lines added leading whitespace |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Improve new file commit message textarea placeholder. |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Simplify custom MR good commit message hint |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Move group feature step to match test location |
2014-10 | GitLab | 1 | Titleize blob action buttons. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Remove statement without effect. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Fix dev merge seed: update testme to gitlab-test. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Remove trailing whitespace from views. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Remove def project from tests that inherit it. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Replace testme with gitlab-test. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Add predictable merge requests on dev seed. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Prevent email sending on admin dev seed. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Only show text wrap and diff notes for text in merge requests. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Add web UI file CRUD tests. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Remove type submit from button_tag since default. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Replace empty? nil? with blank?. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Typo indiciated -> indicated. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Remove unnecessary page. from tests. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Remove ununsed CONTRIBUTING link on edit MR form. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Add g++ dependency to ubuntu install. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Hound prefer single quotes. |
2014-09 | libgit2 | 0 | Remove unused buf variable from path/core test. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Only clone GitLab Shell on tests if necessary. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor fork button view. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | evaluate -> execute_script when return not needed. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | evaluate_script history -> go_back and go_forward. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor current_url + URI.path into current_path. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Replace javascript:; links with buttons. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor .add-diff-note active state. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Fix link_to_reply_diff. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor issue and MR edit form error list. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor error and success methods from services. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Set textarea resize:vertical by default. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor out commit list from compare and new MR. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Prefix Spinach features with Spinach::Features::. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Typo it -> its. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor zen mode. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Ignore tags file. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Improve zen mode internals. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | CONTRIBUTING typos. |
2014-09 | Marked | 1 | Add browser usage to README |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Typo herlper -> helper. |
2014-09 | libgit2 | 1 | Factor 40 and 41 constants from source. |
2014-09 | libgit2 | 1 | Replace void casts with GIT_UNUSED. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Typo "di ff" -> diff. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Remove trailing whitespace. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Gitignore rdoc/. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Factor File.join in test sandbox_init. |
2014-09 | Ruby on Rails | 1 | Explain ERB space removal. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Update README to match Md style in CONTRIBUTING. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 0 | Typo localy -> locally |
2014-09 | vader.vim | 1 | Add run-tests script. |
2014-09 | vader.vim | 2 | Add SyntaxAt and SyntaxOf helpers. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Remove trailing whitespace. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Gitignore rdoc/. |
2014-09 | libgit2/rugged | 0 | Factor File.join in test sandbox_init. |
2014-09 | Pro Git book | 1 | Mention packed-refs. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Add link to fixed SHA version on blob. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Factor new issue and edit MR forms. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Fix missing to on reassign Merge Request text email to unassigned. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Fix missing to on reassign Merge Request email to unassigned. |
2014-09 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Run multimarkdown in compatibility mode. |
2014-09 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Link to stmd. |
2014-09 | GitLab | 1 | Add users with deterministic username and password to development seed. |
2014-09 | Ruby on Rails | 0 | Shorten ActionView::Base doc summary line. |
2014-09 | Ruby on Rails | 1 | Clarify Rails uses erubis not stdlin ERB. |
2014-08 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Rename node p to pipe |
2014-08 | GitLab | 0 | Typo. |
2014-08 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | README improvements: md style, typos, fix links. |
2014-08 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Add tex hyperlink snippets. |
2014-08 | GitLab | 1 | Remove HAML eval for const strings. |
2014-08 | softcover | 1 | Ignore template top level tex file. |
2014-08 | softcover | 1 | Fix failing PDF fontsize verbatim test. |
2014-08 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Add tex listings snippets. |
2014-08 | GitLab | 0 | Fix Md style for API docs. |
2014-08 | GitLab | 0 | Fix Md style for projects API doc. |
2014-08 | GitLab | 1 | Restrict commit area resize to vertical. |
2014-08 | GitLab | 0 | Update README Markdown style to match CONTRIBUTING |
2014-07 | Pro Git book | 1 | Set dummy merge driver merge ours .gitattributes. |
2014-07 | GitLab | 2 | Add project stars. |
2014-07 | GitLab | 1 | Increase diff byte highlight contrast. |
2014-07 | GitLab | 0 | Clarify squash comes after review. |
2014-07 | GitLab | 0 | Enforce Markdown style. |
2014-07 | Octokat.js | 1 | Gitignore fixtures and dist/commonjs. |
2014-07 | GitLab | 1 | Fix username validation message to match regexp. |
2014-06 | GitLab | 1 | Add trailing newline to all text files. |
2014-06 | GitLab | 0 | Typo. |
2014-06 | markdownlint/markdownlint | 0 | Typo. |
2014-06 | Ruby on Rails | 0 | Typo. |
2014-06 | GitLab | 1 | Replace HTML5 obsolete center element with CSS. |
2014-06 | developer.github.com | 1 | Explain :user is username not ID. |
2014-06 | Prose | 0 | Correct CONTRIBUTING typos. |
2014-06 | Octokat.js | 1 | Fix repo to repos in README examples. |
2014-06 | Octokat.js | 1 | Fix typos and style on README. |
2014-06 | octokit.js | 0 | Remove trailing whitespace. |
2014-06 | octokit.js | 1 | Add grunt watch. |
2014-06 | Octokat.js | 0 | Remove unneeded semicolon. |
2014-06 | Octokat.js | 1 | Add grunt watch. |
2014-06 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 2 | Add Vagrantfile. |
2014-06 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Remove hoedown options. |
2014-06 | honza/vim-snippets | 1 | Add HTML ac Anchor from Clipboard. |
2014-06 | RVM | 0 | Correct some doc typos. |
2014-06 | GitLab | 1 | Clarify that bbastov is the style of Hound CI. |
2014-06 | GitLab | 2 | Update docs to match new markdown style guide. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add blackfriday, lunamark, maruku and rdiscount. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add autolink-no-bracket extension test. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Add showdown engine. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Title attribute is significant at normalization. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add design goals. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Add Python Markdown 2 engine. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Add peg-markdown engine. |
2014-05 | GitLab | 1 | Commit message textareas have 72 char mark line. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add autolink-no-bracket extension test. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add link-idref-implicit-no-bracket test. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Minor fixes to addition of hoedown. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Remove no-auto-id argument for kramdown. |
2014-05 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add markdown_pl Markdown.pl engine. |
2014-04 | GitLab | 0 | Remove redundant signin link from signin page. |
2014-04 | GitLab | 1 | Add help link to header. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Improve output normalization with custom parser. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add ordered-list-inner-par-list test. |
2014-04 | GitLab CI | 1 | Add application.yml.example.development. |
2014-04 | Boost Graph | 1 | Explicitly use vertex type on quick tour example. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add list-code-1-space test. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add md2html engine. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Remove email tests because output is random. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 2 | Run only tests that contain string in title. |
2014-04 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add marked engine. |
2014-04 | GitLab | 1 | Add markdown styleguide. |
2014-04 | GitLab | 1 | Include SASS in subdirectories with glob. |
2014-04 | tig | 1 | Add refs bind ! to delete branch. |
2014-04 | GitLab | 1 | Rename issue form tags to match MR and params. |
2014-04 | GitLab | 1 | Say issues are accepted at both GitLab and GitHub. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Document config_local.py on README. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Factor out engines that are commands on PATH. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add sample run-tests.py output to README. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Check if are no engines enabled to avoid exception. |
2014-03 | plasticboy/vim-markdown | 1 | Add Toc commands. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | One disable per line commented out on conf. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Add multimarkdown support. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Typo conten -> content. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 2 | Automated tests. |
2014-03 | GitLab CI | 0 | Remove config/puma.rb from gitignore. |
2014-03 | GitLab CI | 0 | Ignore config/unicorn.rb. |
2014-03 | GitLab CI | 0 | Tell users to install bundle locally without sudo. |
2014-03 | GitLab CI | 0 | Document where to find the registration token. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Remove space from simple list, specify asterisk. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add script to cat all input files. |
2014-03 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Remove newline from empty files. |
2014-03 | GitLab | 1 | Start development Key seed id from 1. |
2014-03 | GitLab | 1 | Show link to public projects for new users. |
2014-03 | GitLab cookbook | 1 | Correct bindfs metal dev init script. |
2014-03 | GitLab CI | 0 | Organize gitignore. |
2014-03 | GitLab cookbook | 1 | Correct metal install home share technique. |
2014-03 | GitLab cookbook | 0 | Uniform markdown headers |
2014-03 | GitLab cookbook | 0 | Typo ommited -> omitted. |
2014-03 | GitLab | 0 | Documentation Typos |
2014-02 | plasticboy/vim-markdown | 1 | Add contributing guidelines and started tests as required by them. |
2014-02 | plasticboy/vim-markdown | 0 | Add Vundle install to README, updated pathogen URL to GitHub. |
2014-02 | plasticboy/vim-markdown | 0 | Create credits section, remove link to old homepage. |
2014-02 | GitLab | 1 | Remove dir prefix from filename of tests under dir. |
2014-02 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Make title more readable. |
2014-02 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 0 | Make readme intro more direct. |
2014-02 | karlcow/markdown-testsuite | 1 | Add extensions. |
2014-02 | GitLab | 2 | Blob and tree markdown links to anchors work. |
2014-02 | git-browse-remote | 0 | Add install instructions. |
2014-02 | Overleaf | 1 | Remove latexmk install instructions from README. |
2014-02 | Overleaf | 1 | Remove dollars from readme bash code. |
2014-02 | Overleaf | 1 | Add dummy version to package.json to fix install. |
2014-02 | Overleaf | 1 | Add .nvmrc |
2014-02 | GitLab | 2 | User can leave group from group page. |
2014-02 | GitLab | 2 | Add anchors to markdown rendered headers. |
2014-02 | GitLab | 2 | User profile pages are publicly visible. |
2014-01 | GitLab cookbook | 1 | Development install documentation correction. |
2014-01 | GitLab cookbook | 2 | Create metal development install documentation. |
2014-01 | GitLab cookbook | 0 | Improve docs. |
2014-01 | GitLab cookbook | 1 | Add option to control the SSH port used. |
2013-12 | GitLab cookbook | 1 | Improve production install docs. |
2013-11 | plasticboy/vim-markdown | 1 | Header navigation mappings work for Setext headers. |
2013-10 | okular | 1 | Add shortcut to Change Colors on a page. |
2013-09 | plasticboy/vim-markdown | 2 | Add mappings to navigate across headers. |
2013-02 | SciPy | 1 | Improve documentation. |
2013-01 | Django Userena | 1 | Add new configuration option. |
2012-11 | DataTables | 1 | Improved a doc example. |