M. genitalium whole cell model by Covert lab Updated +Created
www.wholecellviz.org/viz.php awesome visualization of simtk, paper: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3413483/ A Whole-Cell Computational Model Predicts Phenotype from Genotype - 2013 - Jonathan R. Karr.
Numerical computing language Updated +Created
All those dedicated applied mathematicians languages are a waste of society's time, Ciro Santilli sure applied mathematicians are capable of writing a few extra braces in exchange for a sane general purpose language, we should instead just invest in good libraries with fast C bindings for those languages like NumPy where needed, and powerful mainlined integrated development environments.
And when Ciro Santilli see the closed source ones like MATLAB being used, it makes him lose all hope on humanity. Why. As of 2020. Why? In the 1980s, maybe. But in the 2020s?
SageMath Updated +Created
A Python wrapper over a bunch of numeric and computer algebra system packages to try and fully replace MATLAB et. al.
For example, their
Quickstart tutorial at: www.sagemath.org/tour-quickstart.html From this we see that they are very opinionated, you don't need to import anything, everything has a pre-defined global name, which is convenient, e.g.:
is the 3D vector space over the rationals. This also suggests that they are quite focused on computer algebra as opposed to numerical.