Standard from 2011:
A decent way to write diatonic music as plaintext!
No bend/vibratto/slides :-(
Multitrack volatile:
ALSA can be thought as analogous to physical wires linking up machines.
Except that instead of machines, you have separate programs. One such typical link is:
- from a MIDI source, e.g. vmpk or a MIDI editor with playback like Ardour
- to a synthesizer like FluidSynth or ZynAddSubFX
The advantage of this setup is that separate programs can collaborate to make complex sounds.
The disadvantage of this setup is that it makes it very hard to reproduce results, you basically need a Docker image with the exact same version of everything. And some script to launch and connect all programs correctly.
Some composition systems like LMMS reduce that problem by having synthesizers as plugins, so that you don't have to setup any connections yourself.
Weight: heavy.
MIDI support is kind of secondary:, e.g. how to export MIDI?
Ardour 6 Quickstart (recording, editing, mixing and exporting) by unfa (2020)
Source. unfa is a helpful Ardour master and open source software junkie at your YouTube service.Looking for formats that:
- are human readable plaintext files
- can be converted/played as MIDI
- can be converted to sheet music PDFs
- supports basic guitar effects (bends and slides)
tx e3e37ed5c1de2631c147bd39429e42ff634e95b7d72423bc32d6c6b9d8eef8ee (2014-07-01):
For my first official Journal entry I've decided to archive some old poetry. Here are a few of the computational poems I've created using cyphers.
Message:TODO identify Shiemaa and Vincent.
"Even if we tried to do it on purpose, never would have we succeeded." My beloved Vincent.
tx 36d0d77acd760f0aa549b6b314f0c1e9690baa6bcc2d0f07ea9f3167f4a5ec99, block 318836 (2014-09-03)Cost: ~0.002 BTC ~ $0.77 at the time.
Several other interesting uploads were also made around block 318836 (September 2014):
Bike Lady by Allen Lee Vandever. tx 2c4b9497af8c0c0eb9383357b40c3de33dba0b4f481099a32719f2b9036da8e7, block 319927 (2014-09-10)
This seems to be a novel work uploaded by its creator artist Allen Vandever according to EMBII.[ref].
Arecibo message on tx c6d2e535cd2ba4659e954a61198c66fd98c60f6475cf8ff92a404f3fe3a16c4b, block 337874 (2015-01-07)
An "artificially" colored visualization of the Arecibo message ripped from Wikipedia: (with attribution).
The cool thing about this image is that it highlights the striking parallels between the encoding of the Arecibo message with crypto graffiti, because in both cases people were creating undocumented new ways of communicating with strangers on a new medium in those early blockchain days.
The associated message contains the Arecibo message as ASCII 0's and 1's. When properly cut at the newlines, they draw the message as ASCII art, as the original Arecibo encoding intends, here's a version with the 0's replaced by spaces to make it more readabale:
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 11 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 1
11 1
1 1 1
11 111 11 11
1 11 1
11 1 11 11 11 1
11111 11111 11111 11111
1 1
1 1
11111 11111
11 11 111 11
1 1 1
11 1 11 111 11 1
11111 11111 11111 11111
1 11 1
1 11 1
11111 11 11111
1 1 1
1 11 1
11 11 1
11 1 11
11 11
11 1 11
11 11 1
1 1 1
1 11 1
1 11 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 11
11 11
1 111 1 11
1 1
1 11111
1 1 111 1 1 11 11
1 111 1 111111
1 111 111 11 111
1 1 111 11
1 1 1 111111
1 1 1 11
1 11 11
111 1
111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
111 1 1 1 1
1 1
111 111
11 11
11 1 1 11
11 11 11 11
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1111 11111 1 1111
He sleeps in a temple.jpg
. Source. Associated message:
NASA: A purple nebula, in honor of #Prince, who passed away today. Image: Crab #Nebula, as Seen by Herschel and #Hubble Image credit: ESA/Herschel/PACS/MESS Key Programme Supernova Remnant Team; #NASA, ESA and Allison Loll/Jeff Hester (Arizona State University) #PIA17563
. Source. Associated message:
The image is present e.g. at: It was inscribed about two months after Craig publicly claimed that he is Satoshi.
This is a relatively unusual AtomSea & EMBII upload as it does not have the common toplevel transaction, everything, text + image fits into a single transaction. This is perhaps why the image is relatively low resolution to have a smaller size.
Yellow Robot on tx 67b2facfd8160d4fa11b02829b6387d07537b57a7a24f19b029b2a5ae7b81830, block 450516 (2017-01-29)
Photography by EMBII, original art by TODO.
The associated message reads:This is one of Ciro's favorite AtomSea & EMBII uploads. This is the cutest thing ever, and perfectly encapsules the "medium as an artform" approach to blockchain art. More Chiharu stalking at: ILoveYouMore.jpg.
Chiharu and I found this little yellow robot while exploring Chicago. It will be covered by tar or eventually removed but this tribute will remain. N 41.880778 E -87.629210
At EMBII announced that he would be giving off shares of that image on a Bitcoin-based NFT sale system he's making called Sup!?, and in December 2023 gave some shares to Ciro Santilli. Amen.
Other possibly novel EMBII street photography:
- "I will not Stop until the Finite becomes the Infinite."
block 318638
at tx 4f5b25fa8021c67235423930580e69121aa0d2c2bb779f75139bf442f8dc7297 EMBII-indexed at 743f3286b00fc96c13db4b16d5aead8a1e059fee9ce775b1761be9be5bdc2501 and then indexed at: 0427ec598df38b7d7dc75721316c0bbdec54de4871e11aff8ea64f3717c07efbThe toplevel index does appear on Bitfossil: but the audio is not there as it was for Spock below, maybe a bug on upload/Bitfossil?Spock_Live_Long_And_Prosper.mp3
block 345858 Audio of Mr. Spock saying the Vulcan salute.OuterSpace.mp3
block 409471 "Outer Space by embii 4MB Large file storage test Apertus 0.3.5-beta" OMG, I don't want to calculate how much it cost to upload this, it will make me sad.At EMBII mentions that this inscription, made by him, is the largest inscription he knows of.TODO song composer/performer?- (2021-03-13) contains
, a MIDI file
Interesting text:
- block 273522 pi to 1000+ decimal digits:
- "Antarctic Ice Cores Revised 800KYr CO2 Data" evidence for global warming
-', global warming related
HTML pages:
- block 335290 JavaScript animated timer clock counting down until the start of the next year
- block 340379 links to and has a working JavaScript Pong
- block 328445
tom-signature.jpg Unrendered HTML of:Likely an obituary for: Thomas L. Magliozzi. Images show fine though.-
- "The New Theory of Learning" which agrees perfectly with backward design
- block 401648 another one! This one is full-screen, and does not have JavaScript
s :-) - block 401657 has a JavaScript Pac-Man
Very easy to use and pretty powerful MIDI creator!!!
One of the rare audio applications actually works with PulseAudio on Ubuntu 20.04 out-of-the-box, so you don't have to turn off every other audio application!!!
Has lot's of plugins built-in just working out of the box, e.g. ZynAddSubFX out-of-the-box without doing a gazillion complex setup connections.
Most plugins are just simple toys however, ZynAddSubFX is the only super powerful one. The others are more LMMS integrate however, and seem to use a more dedicated LMMS GUI style.
TODO can you do liver performance with a virtual instrument?
If you open vmpk, you can then right click on a piano track, and go MIDI, Input and it just shows up there, and it does produce sound as shown at:
TODO: what about recording the input MIDI? Yes, there is a record button on the piano roll!
This software feels amazing. You can really start composing very quickly, lots of features, good keyboard shortcuts.
GPL, and there's a backing company that makes money with an online and mobile version of it.
Ubuntu 20.04: sound preview worked, first hat that trailing Contra-like sound artifacts (like
), but then it went away?Feels like a lot of effort was put into usability, including keyboard shortcuts by default, seems like a powerful and easy to start using software to compose music!
Glissando: yes:
Just use MuseScore instead.
Weight: light.
Can import from: MIDI.
Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install tuxguitar tuxguitar-alsa tuxguitar-jsa tuxguitar-oss
was needed, otherwise no sound: OK step sequencer non-realtime up/down/left/right guitar based composition interface.
Has chord insertion.
Has bend editor.
Could be more amazing, but it is OK.
A bit limited by being very "guitar oriented". Shows you guitar strings, and you enter offset to each string. So to enter two adjacent notes you need to use two seprate strings and thing about the offsets. If only it had a more piano based interface.
Drum notation is also atrocious, you have to go to the top chord, and use high numbers starting at 36.
Opens a virtual MIDI piano GUI. It just works on Ubuntu 20.04:
VMPK is a virtual device that replicates what you would get by connecting a physical MIDI keyboard to your computer. It is not a software synthesizer on its own. But it does connect to a working synthesizer by default (Sonivox EAS) which makes it produce sounds out-of-the box.
TODO: then I messed with my sound settings, and then it stopped working by default on the default "MIDI Connection" > "MIDI Out Driver" > "Network". But it still works on "SonivoxEAS".
A hello world of actually connecting it to a specific software synthesizer manually on Advanced Linux Sound Architecture with
can be found at: to a MIDI file:
Reasonable default key mappings to keyboard covering 2 octaves.
3 multiple simultaneous keys did not work (tested "ZQI"). This might just be a limitation of my keyboard however.
TODO how to save to a