Text is the only reasonbly interesting content that Ciro Santilli has seen in the ordinals, as opposed to images which are boring. They haven'g found a way to commercialize it yet it seems, thank God. Glad to have researcehd this a bit!
Shame that the plaintext ones don't show up too well on ordinals.com!
The largest inscriptions with mime
are:- ordinals.com/inscription/e15e19c587985e7dbb0554a6b51df976fdc8d95f4350b759c10b07399d34a7bbi0: 395,253 bytes (2023-02-23): an English translation of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler starting from the "Author's preface" section to the end of Chapter V. This seems to be the text: gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200601.txt gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200601.txt. Likely someone trying to be naughty, on the same vein as the "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme from previous eras
- ordinals.com/inscription/daed32652a82fa809be265a9a082d31e186b2b3c0cec80b52dc30e3c1c856c66i0: 394,346 bytes (2023-02-21): Mein Kempt just like ordinals.com/inscription/e15e19c587985e7dbb0554a6b51df976fdc8d95f4350b759c10b07399d34a7bbi0 but with the HTML in a single line, so it is slightly smaller
- ordinals.com/inscription/95f6909988dba38f1140d536c9cc2fdcf635c1522f93834045b093f0d4c2fdd7i0: 394,053 bytes (2023-02-21): HTML heart shaped index of the "Insignia Art" ordinal collection: ordinalswallet.com/collection/insignia-art. That one is kind of cool actually.
- ordinals.com/inscription/8af62aed75fdd9262d36d428a209a162394f0f463bf261ea253d0fb009f2277fi0: 392,866 bytes (2023-09-29) Majjhima Nikāya (Collection of Middle-length Discourses), Buddhist text that is part of the Pali Canon, the most original Buddhist scriptures. EMBII's inscription of the Bhagavad Gita comes to mind. Both Pali transliteration and English translation are present side-by-side.
- ordinals.com/inscription/6352b23c10ef20321d59735d8597af9be96db1bab4b50d728e618a1c5a21a991i0: 391,053 bytes (2023-03-03) "Satoshi Wars" Star Wars-themed browser game. It is a mouse-controlled Pong clone
- ordinals.com/inscription/ab420f90306948937432379dc3f768ef5f826714f53e0cea4e641debef460173i0: 389,001 bytes (2023-02-19) "The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell". People trying to be semi-naughty as usual.
- ordinals.com/inscription/d8ef417a8575e0fa3da7ab11f9e91ef7582c7275f54f8b9dc587c98c676bd41ci0: 388,196 bytes (2023-02-12)
This fully on-chain document contains all of Satoshi Nakamoto's posts on Bitcointalk.
- ordinals.com/inscription/2a260692fd8aca7fc5f825fe7965c914615fe1d62f7d3e5b078228d43fd93243i0: 387,818 bytes (2023-04-06) an HTML page, title:It seems t oallow you to upload images and reads metadata from the image. Didn't work too well on ordinals.com possibly due to narrow display port. Also it has a funny background music :-)
Welcome to the on-chain Pixogette Metadata Reader
- ordinals.com/inscription/a31b8e3e279a6e28ef49fa4dca54f820abf266223976b778833e8c47991ad403i0: 386,913 bytes (2023-02-19) a cute Bitcoin Cash ad:It appears to contain the entire first fork block of Bitcoi Cash from mainline bitcoin.
#!/bin/bash # # ____ _ _ _ ____ _ # | __ ) (_) | |_ ___ ___ (_) _ __ / ___| __ _ ___ | |__ # | _ \ | | | __| / __| / _ \ | | | '_ \ | | / _` | / __| | '_ \ # | |_) | | | | |_ | (__ | (_) | | | | | | | | |___ | (_| | \__ \ | | | | # |____/ |_| \__| \___| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \____| \__,_| |___/ |_| |_| # # ___ _ _ # |_ _| _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ # | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / __| / _ \ # | | | | | | | (_| | | __/ | |_) | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | | | | (__ | __/ # |___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| | .__/ \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| |_| |_| \___| \___| # |_| # ____ _ _ # | __ ) | | ___ ___ | | __ # | _ \ | | / _ \ / __| | |/ / # | |_) | | | | (_) | | (__ | < # |____/ |_| \___/ \___| |_|\_\
- ordinals.com/inscription/f7ece21e1dc74874d7a6e5e11b77941be2db6f383d053242a40b63e0a28445ffi0: 386,819 bytes (2023-02-18) The Illiad Books I-XII
- ordinals.com/inscription/4f5e52115ef0fb4fc2a18cfc7f4caccfb712792c8bc318e71699a86ba4541719i0: 386,655 bytes (2023-08-09) Frogger browser clone
- ordinals.com/inscription/f04c0e94023e51fb995e48235773c77a471289baf44c1a3248d800a0a550c520i0: 385,743 bytes (2023-03-25) A Roguelike browser game
- ordinals.com/inscription/cd432a3e16c4a01db1df6a59b5941a69bd0cf130b24a61248643005f22a939d9i0: 383,098 (2023-02-18) Brave New World
Mahayana adds a bunch of stuff on top of the Pali Canon. Most of it appears to be random mysticism. Maybe there is something good in it... maybe.
Anything that is not in the Pali Canon has basically zero chance of having come from Buddha or his immediate followers.
The school that believes only in the Pali Canon, i.e. the best school.