What it adds on top of reverse debugging: not only can you go back in time, but you can do it instantaneously.
Or in other words, you can access variables from any point in execution.
TODO implementation? Apparently Pernosco is an attempt at it, though proprietary.
Creator of Mozilla rr, of which Ciro Santilli is a huge fan of!
He quit Mozilla in 2016 to try and commercialize an
extension called Pernosco.But as of 2022, he advertised himself as part of "Google Research", so maybe that went under, sample source: archive.ph/o9622. TODO when did he start? There's apparently an unrelated homonym: www.linkedin.com/in/rob-ocallahan/
He's apparently very religious, and very New Zelandish, twitter.com/rocallahan auto-describes:Terry A. Davis and D. Richard Hipp come to mind. One is tempted to speculate a correlation even, the proportion amongst systems programmers feels so much higher than in other areas of programming! Maybe it is because you have to be a God to do it in the first place.
Christian. Repatriate Kiwi.