Course plan:
- Section "Programmer's model of quantum computers"
- look at a Qiskit hello world
- e.g. ours: qiskit/
- learn about quantum circuits.
- tensor product in quantum computing
- First we learn some quantum logic gates. This shows an alternative, and extremely important view of a quantum computer besides a matrix multiplication: as a circuit. Fundamental subsections:
- quantum algorithms
The most common way to construct multi-qubit gates is to use single-qubit gates as part of a controlled quantum gate.
But seriously, this is a valuable little list.
The course is basically exclusively about transmons.
The transmon qubit by Leo Di Carlo (2018)
Source. Via QuTech Academy.Circuit QED by Leo Di Carlo (2018)
Source. Via QuTech Academy.Measurements on transmon qubits by Niels Bultink (2018)
Source. Via QuTech Academy. I wish someone would show some actual equipment running! But this is of interest.Single-qubit gate by Brian Taraskinki (2018)
Source. Good video! Basically you make a phase rotation by controlling the envelope of a pulse.Two qubit gates by Adriaan Rol (2018)
Source. Assembling a Quantum Processor by Leo Di Carlo (2018)
Source. Via QuTech Academy.