I had meant to make an update earlier, but I wanted to try and add some more "visible end-user changes" to OurBigBook.com.
Just noticed BTW that signup on the website is broken. Facepalm. Not that it matters much since it is not very useful in the current state, but still. Going to fix that soon. EDIT: nevermind, it wasn't broken, I just had JavaScript disabled on that website with an extension to test if pages are visible without JavaScript, and yes, they are perfectly visible, you can't tell the difference! But you can't login without JavaScript either!
I still haven't the user visible ones I wanted, but I've hit major milestones, and it feels like time for an update.
I have now finished all the OurBigBook CLI features that I wanted for 1.0, all of which will be automatically reused in ourbigbook.com.
The two big things since last email were the following:
A secondary but also important advance was: further improvements to the website's base technology.
I knew I was going to do them for several months now, and I knew they were going to hurt, and they did, but I did them.
These change caused two big bugs that I will solve next, one them infinite recursion in the database recursive query, but they shouldn't be too hard.
Link to an image or video in another file that has an
on title from another file Updated 2025-03-25 +Created 1970-01-01Issue report at: github.com/ourbigbook/ourbigbook/issues/198 Suppose you had:
= Programming language
{title=The \x[python-programming-language] logo}
== Python
= Logos I like
Now, when rendering
, we would need to fetch two IDs:image-the-python-logo
for theThe
itself, to know that\x[python-programming-language]
should render asPython
But after group all SQL queries together was done, there was no way to know that rendering
would imply also fetching python-programming-language
.This was solved by adding a new database entry type,
to the existing References table, which tracks dependencies between IDs.After this was setup, we can now know that
depends on image-the-python-logo
, and then fetch both of them together in a single JOIN.