Mathematics in Germany 1970-01-01
Victor-Amédée Lebesgue 1970-01-01
Mathematics in the United Kingdom 1970-01-01
Milne model 1970-01-01
A Disappearing Number 1970-01-01
Nordström's theory of gravitation 1970-01-01
Nyaya 1970-01-01
Phlogiston theory 1970-01-01
Possible Worlds (play) 1970-01-01
Proof (play) 1970-01-01
Rhetoric 1970-01-01
Mathematics in the United States 1970-01-01
Names of large numbers 1970-01-01
Classical elements 1970-01-01
Glossaries of mathematics 1970-01-01
Corpuscular theory of light 1970-01-01
Cubical atom 1970-01-01
Early scientific cosmologies 1970-01-01
Faltings' product theorem 1970-01-01
Igusa variety 1970-01-01