Meaning-making 1970-01-01
Vuk Marinković 1970-01-01
Weak Hausdorff space 1970-01-01
New Criticism 1970-01-01
Gottlob Frege 1970-01-01
Heterostasis (cybernetics) 1970-01-01
Hypotext 1970-01-01
Interpretant 1970-01-01
Open-ended question 1970-01-01
Organon model 1970-01-01
Poiesis 1970-01-01
Ivan Stojmenović 1970-01-01
Presentational and representational acting 1970-01-01
Urysohn's lemma 1970-01-01
Duration series 1970-01-01
Elements of music 1970-01-01
Formula composition 1970-01-01
Géza Fodor (mathematician) 1970-01-01
Keith Devlin 1970-01-01
Leo Harrington 1970-01-01