SHACL 1970-01-01
ShEx 1970-01-01
SPARQL 1970-01-01
Sympathetic resonance 1970-01-01
Tacamahac 1970-01-01
Thing Description 1970-01-01
Catalina Curceanu 1970-01-01
Tincture of benzoin 1970-01-01
Greguería 1970-01-01
Gresham Professor of Rhetoric 1970-01-01
Chorographia 1970-01-01
Historical present 1970-01-01
Metaclass (Semantic Web) 1970-01-01
Pistacia lentiscus 1970-01-01
RDF query language 1970-01-01
Hypozeuxis 1970-01-01
Resin 1970-01-01
Resin acid 1970-01-01
TriG (syntax) 1970-01-01
Tuned mass damper 1970-01-01