Anna Winlock 1970-01-01
Annealed pyrolytic graphite 1970-01-01
Annie Jump Cannon 1970-01-01
Antonia Maury 1970-01-01
Biot number 1970-01-01
General equation of heat transfer 1970-01-01
George B. Field 1970-01-01
Matthew J. Holman 1970-01-01
Mercedes López-Morales 1970-01-01
Minkowski (crater) 1970-01-01
Minkowski functional 1970-01-01
Minkowski sausage 1970-01-01
National Helium Reserve 1970-01-01
Pure-play helium 1970-01-01
Ramesh Narayan (astrophysicist) 1970-01-01
RasGas 1970-01-01
Robert (doll) 1970-01-01
Scanning helium ion microscope 1970-01-01
Solar eclipse of August 18, 1868 1970-01-01
Toy balloon 1970-01-01