Gesture recognition 1970-01-01
Sergey Romanov 1970-01-01
Sketchpad 1970-01-01
Sketch recognition 1970-01-01
SpaceOrb 360 1970-01-01
Speech synthesis 1970-01-01
Tektronix 4010 1970-01-01
The Mother of All Demos 1970-01-01
Touchpad 1970-01-01
Trackball 1970-01-01
Weissberger's model 1970-01-01
Deep borehole disposal 1970-01-01
HoloLens 2 1970-01-01
Jason S. Lewis 1970-01-01
EnergySolutions 1970-01-01
MV Pacific Egret 1970-01-01
Naturally occurring radioactive material 1970-01-01
Neural Impulse Actuator 1970-01-01
Office of the future 1970-01-01
Bioremediation of radioactive waste 1970-01-01