Ernest de Jonquières 1970-01-01
Ernest Vessiot 1970-01-01
Esprit Jouffret 1970-01-01
François Baccelli 1970-01-01
François Français 1970-01-01
François-Joseph Servois 1970-01-01
François Labourie 1970-01-01
Gabriel Xavier Paul Koenigs 1970-01-01
Gaston Albert Gohierre de Longchamps 1970-01-01
Georges Darmois 1970-01-01
Georges Fournier (Jesuit) 1970-01-01
Gérard Vergnaud 1970-01-01
Girard Desargues 1970-01-01
Voluntariness 1970-01-01
Voluntarism (action) 1970-01-01
Voluntarism (philosophy) 1970-01-01
Weltalter 1970-01-01
Jean Jacques Bret 1970-01-01
Mathieu Weill 1970-01-01
The Flying Circus of Physics 1970-01-01