Metamathematics 1970-01-01
Mivar-based approach 1970-01-01
Monadic second-order logic 1970-01-01
Non-wellfounded mereology 1970-01-01
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1970-01-01
Outline of logic 1970-01-01
Peirce's law 1970-01-01
Predicate (mathematical logic) 1970-01-01
Proof-theoretic semantics 1970-01-01
Proof of impossibility 1970-01-01
Proposition 1970-01-01
Pure inductive logic 1970-01-01
Quantum logic 1970-01-01
Reverse mathematics 1970-01-01
Rosser's trick 1970-01-01
Rules of passage (logic) 1970-01-01
S2S (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Schröder–Bernstein property 1970-01-01