Awards of the American Mathematical Society 1970-01-01
Awards of the Canadian Mathematical Society 1970-01-01
Awards of the International Mathematical Union 1970-01-01
Awards of the Italian Mathematical Union 1970-01-01
Awards of the London Mathematical Society 1970-01-01
Awards of the Mathematical Association of America 1970-01-01
Awards of the Mathematical Optimization Society 1970-01-01
Statistical awards 1970-01-01
Demidov Prize 1970-01-01
Abdus Salam Award 1970-01-01
Abel Prize 1970-01-01
Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award 1970-01-01
Aisenstadt Prize 1970-01-01
Ampère Prize 1970-01-01
André Lichnerowicz Prize 1970-01-01
Blackwell–Tapia prize 1970-01-01
Bolyai Prize 1970-01-01
Brazilian Mathematical Society Award 1970-01-01