Hefei Institutes of Physical Science 1970-01-01
Helmholtz Institute Jena 1970-01-01
Helsinki Institute of Physics 1970-01-01
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program 1970-01-01
Horace Hearne Institute 1970-01-01
Hubert Curien Laboratory 1970-01-01
IFAE 1970-01-01
IPHT Jena 1970-01-01
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism 1970-01-01
Institut Pprime 1970-01-01
Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University 1970-01-01
Institute for Condensed Matter Theory 1970-01-01
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences 1970-01-01
Institute for Scientific Interchange 1970-01-01
Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1970-01-01