Quantum money 1970-01-01
Quantum network 1970-01-01
Quantum operation 1970-01-01
Quantum reference frame 1970-01-01
Quantum revival 1970-01-01
Quantum scar 1970-01-01
Quantum social science 1970-01-01
Quantum stirring, ratchets, and pumping 1970-01-01
Quantum superposition 1970-01-01
Quantum tomography 1970-01-01
Quantum tunnelling 1970-01-01
Quasi-set theory 1970-01-01
Racah seniority number 1970-01-01
Redfield equation 1970-01-01
Relativistic dynamics 1970-01-01
Representation theory of the Galilean group 1970-01-01
Representation theory of the Lorentz group 1970-01-01
Resonances in scattering from potentials 1970-01-01
Rotation operator (quantum mechanics) 1970-01-01
Scattering length 1970-01-01