His father fought a lot with the stupid educational system to try and move his son to his full potential and move to more advanced subjects early.
A crime of society to try and prevent it. They actually moved the family from Singapore to Malaysia for a learning opportunity for the son. Amazing.
This is the perfect illustration of one of Ciro Santilli's most important complaints about the 2020 educational system:and why Ciro created OurBigBook.com to try and help fix the issue.
Possible social media
Video 1.
The Most Talented Children And Adults On The Planet by Our Life (2008)
. Source. Has some good mentions of Ainan and others.
Video 2.
Ainan Cawley: Child prodigy (2013)
. Source.
He's an actor and producer apparently: www.imdb.com/name/nm3438598/

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