One of the biotechnology superstars of the 2000's/2010's.
One of the biotechnology superstars of the 2000's/2010's.
Wikipedia mentions quoting his Nobel Prize biography:
In Monod's studies he discovered that the course work was decades behind the current biological science. He learned from other students a little older than himself, rather than from the faculty.
He was the nerdy one of the dynamic duo.
Fun fact, in 2024 Ciro Santilli corrected John's place of birth on hist Nobel Prize page:, details: Getting a list of all currencies from Wikidata with SPARQL.
John Sulston in 2008
. Source. Presumably John's 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine paper.
Hobert Lab just uploaded a print and that's it: Hero.
Monumental 55 page beast, presumably the culmination of many years of work.
Paul's bastardness is more striking than his Nobel Prize and that is awesome.
Family Trees Can Be Dangerous by Paul Nurse
. Source. Fantastic video of Paul describing his bastard story. What a legend. He speaks very well. Articles by others on the same topic
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