And the articles that really matter:
Web of Stories contains amazing interviews with many (mostly American) winners.
See Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman chapter Alfred Nobel's Other Mistake's amazing comments about the Nobel Prize.
TODO who is the digital switch person he mentions?
- on Quora
Some views:
Understand and explain amazingly every single Nobel Prize in physics, chemistry and biology. Since in particular the Nobel Foundation is unable to do that for any at all, especially of the key old ones, e.g. Hopeless.
To be fair, those in theoretical physics at least basically come down to reading a bunch of books. But perhaps anything slightly more experimental could have
Cryogenic electron microscopy, which was developped in the 70's.
This could have been a Nobel Prize in Physics as well!
For the discovery of green fluorescent protein.
To Peter D. Mitchell for the discovery of the mechanism of ATP synthesis in the mitochondria, a central part of cellular respiration.
This was almost a two-in-one Nobel for a single dude: both for chemical bond theory and secondary structure theories such as the alpha helix! A beast.
Official page:
It is quite amusing that the starting point to identifying the heat one was capsaicin, as it stimulates the exact same receptor!!!
Discovery: induced pluripotent stem cell.
This was the most obscene Nobel Prize of all time. They were completely swept away by the AI boom, and gave this ridiculous prize completely unrelated to Physics.
- Nobel Foundation:Ciro Santilli:
Did you know that models for machine learning were based on equations from physics?
Nice try but the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics still isn't about Physics.
- User ervexHublot comments
Nobel prize sponsored by Nvidia
Official announcement:
Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 explained by Parth G
. Source. Quick intro. Notably missing is a clearer discussion of the applications.This one took a while! Major developments were from the 70s! Perhaps it took the Internet revolution to make its importance clear.
This was so hot (no pun intended) and reproducible that the prize was awarded one year after discovery. Quite rare in those days already.
To Brian Josephson for the prediction of the Josephson effect.
The key initial quantum electrodynamics experiments:
Early electron diffraction experiment from 1927 that drastically confirmed the matter wave hypothesis.
Discovery of:
- the positron by Carl David Anderson
- he cosmic rays by Victor Francis Hess
To Ernest Lawrence for the cyclotron.
Niels Bohr for the Bohr model.
Einstein for the theoretical explanation of the photoelectric effect from 1905, notably published as on a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light by Einstein (1905).
Not only did this open the way for X-ray crystallography, it more fundamentally clarified the nature of X-rays as being electromagnetic radiation, and helped further establish the atomic theory.
Pieter Zeeman for the Zeeman effect.
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