Title reply because they can't Ctrl+F: How Ciro Santilli manages to write so much
Most of the thread went into pro/anti gay trashtalk due to Ciro using Gay Putin at the time on his Stack Overflow profile as a useless way to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Some comments:
How does this guy manage to be so active on Stack Overflow? I feel like this disgusting avatar is on at least a quarter of all the active posts.
The answers are always pretty good though.
I came across this schizo's github once, but I had forgotten his name
Reply: it is publicly known that Putin is homophobic as fuck and hates that picture. Therefore we use it. If Putin were heterophobic, we'd post him as hetero.
The only new information:
Reminds me of Xah Lee. describes him well:
Outsider, formerly homeless, extreme person interested in CS and culture. Self-publishes a website with thousands of tutorial / opinion pages. Possibly similar to Sam Sloan - extremely productive, wide interests, obsessive, and pretty disagreeable.
Homepage says:Nice Second brain vibe.
Siphon my knowledge into your brain. Assimilate my sensibilities to your spine.
Let's see:
- LinkedIn:
- OMG he also uses a Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard-like keyboard! Maybe there is something here after all.
- he's also a mad tutorial writer: like Ciro's Stack Overflow
- £835.2/month from ony 27 members as of 2023, holy crap not bad!
- he was in a bad spot as of 2014:
i live on $3 per day for food in past 3 years. Eating noodles and oats with salt
One is reminded of Chill and eat your bread in peace and Quote "Omar Khayyam's chill out quote". autobiography is also of interest.
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