No open signup it seems. TODO CV of owner.
Originally by Springer, but later moved to the European mathematical society.
Written mostly by Eric W. Weisstein.
Ciro once saw a printed version of the CRC "concise" encyclopedia of mathematics. It is about 12 cm thick. Imagine if it wasn't concise!!!
Infinite Napkin is the one-person open source replacemente we needed for it! And will be the final multi-person replacement.
Ahh, this dude is just like Ciro Santilli, trying to create the ultimate natural sciences encyclopedia!
____ In 1995, Weisstein converted a Microsoft Word document of over 200 pages to hypertext format and uploaded it to his webspace at Caltech under the title Eric's Treasure Trove of Sciences. ____
Decent encyclopedia of mathematics. Not much motivation, mostly statements though.
Created by:
Unlike Wikipedia, they have a more sane forum commenting system, e.g. a page/forum pair:
Based on GitHub pull requests:
Joe Corneli, of of the contributors, mentions this in a cool-sounding "Peeragogy" context at
I earned my doctorate at The Open University in Milton Keynes, with a thesis focused on peer produced support for peer learning in the mathematics domain. The main case study was; the ideas also informed the development of “Peeragogy”.
A wiki that gathers mathematical proofs.
This appears to be the creator: "Joe George".

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