No open signup it seems. TODO CV of owner.
Originally by Springer, but later moved to the European mathematical society.
Written mostly by Eric W. Weisstein.
Ciro once saw a printed version of the CRC "concise" encyclopedia of mathematics. It is about 12 cm thick. Imagine if it wasn't concise!!!
Infinite Napkin is the one-person open source replacemente we needed for it! And will be the final multi-person replacement.
Ahh, this dude is just like Ciro Santilli, trying to create the ultimate natural sciences encyclopedia!
In 1995, Weisstein converted a Microsoft Word document of over 200 pages to hypertext format and uploaded it to his webspace at Caltech under the title Eric's Treasure Trove of Sciences.
Decent encyclopedia of mathematics. Not much motivation, mostly statements though.
Created by:
Unlike Wikipedia, they have a more sane forum commenting system, e.g. a page/forum pair:
Based on GitHub pull requests:
Joe Corneli, of of the contributors, mentions this in a cool-sounding "Peeragogy" context at
I earned my doctorate at The Open University in Milton Keynes, with a thesis focused on peer produced support for peer learning in the mathematics domain. The main case study was; the ideas also informed the development of “Peeragogy”.
A wiki that gathers mathematical proofs.
This appears to be the creator: "Joe George".

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