Video 1.
Principles of the Optical Maser by Bell Labs
. Source. Date: 1963.
Closely related to optical amplifiers.
This is by far the most important type of laser commercially, as it can be made relatively cheaply, and it doesn't break easily as it ends up being a single crystal.
Compare them for example to the earlier gas lasers.
This is the type of laser that you would get in a simple laser pointer.
But the real mega aplications are:
Video 1.
Laser pointer by shahzadi
. Source.
The type of laser described at: Video "How Lasers Work by Scientized (2017)", notably Mentioned at: That point also mentions that 4-level lasers also exist and are more efficient. TODO dominance? Alternatives?
Video 1.
Three-level laser system by Dr. Nissar Ahmad (2021)

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