2013 DNS census NS records
ID: cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/2013-dns-census-ns-records
ns.csv is 57 GB. This file is too massive, working with it is a pain.
We can also cut down the data a lot with stackoverflow.com/questions/1915636/is-there-a-way-to-uniq-by-column/76605540#76605540 and tld filtering:This brings us down to a much more manageable 3.0 GB, 83 M rows.
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","} { if ($1 != last) { print $1, $3; last = $1; } }' ns.csv | grep -E '\.(com|net|info|org|biz),' > nsu.csv
Let's just scan it once real quick to start with, since likely nothing will come of this venue:As of 267 hits we get:so yeah, most of those are likely going to be humongous just by looking at the names.
grep -f <(awk -F, 'NR>1{print $2}' ../media/cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/hits.csv) nsu.csv | tee nsu-hits.csv
cat nsu-hits.csv | csvcut -c 2 | sort | awk -F. '{OFS="."; print $(NF-1), $(NF)}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -n
1 a2hosting.com
1 amerinoc.com
1 ayns.net
1 dailyrazor.com
1 domainingdepot.com
1 easydns.com
1 frienddns.ru
1 hostgator.com
1 kolmic.com
1 name-services.com
1 namecity.com
1 netnames.net
1 tonsmovies.net
1 webmailer.de
2 cashparking.com
55 worldnic.com
86 domaincontrol.com
The smallest ones by far from the total are: frienddns.ru with only 487 hits, all others quite large or fake hits due to CSV. Did a quick Wayback Machine CDX scanning there but no luck alas.
Let's check the smaller ones:Doubt anything will come out of this.
source-commodities.net,2012-12-13T20:58:28,ns1.namecity.com -> fake hit due to grep e-commodities.net
Let's do a bit of counting out of the total:gives ~20M domain using so it accounts for 1/4 of the total.
grep domaincontrol.com ns.csv | awk -F, '{print $1}' | uniq | wc
. Let's see how many domains are in the first place:awk -F, '{print $1}' ns.csv | uniq | wc
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