2013 DNS Census virtual host cleanup
ID: cia-2010-covert-communication-websites/2013-dns-census-virtual-host-cleanup
2013 DNS Census virtual host cleanup by
Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-03-13 +Created 1970-01-01
We've noticed that often when there is a hit range:and that this does not seem to be that common. Let's see if that is a reasonable fingerprint or not.
- there is only one IP for each domain
- there is a range of about 20-30 of those
Note that although this is the most common case, we have found multiple hits that viewdns.info maps to the same IP.
First we create a table The
) that only have domains which are the only domain for an IP, let's see by how much that lowers the 191 M total unique domains:time sqlite3 u.sqlite 'create table t (d text, i text)'
time sqlite3 av.sqlite -cmd "attach 'u.sqlite' as u" "insert into u.t select min(d) as d, min(i) as i from t where d not like '%.%.%' group by i having count(distinct d) = 1"
not like '%.%.%'
removes subdomains from the counts so that CGI comms are still included, and distinct
in count(distinct
is because we have multiple entries at different timestamps for some of the hits.Let's start with the 208 subset to see how it goes:OK, after we fixed bugs with the above we are down to 4 million lines with unique domain/IP pairs and which contains all of the original hits! Almost certainly more are to be found!
time sqlite3 av.sqlite -cmd "attach 'u.sqlite' as u" "insert into u.t select min(d) as d, min(i) as i from t where i glob '208.*' and d not like '%.%.%' and (d like '%.com' or d like '%.net') group by i having count(distinct d) = 1"
This data is so valuable that we've decided to upload it to: archive.org/details/2013-dns-census-a-novirt.csv Format:The numbers of the first column are the IPs as a 32-bit integer representation, which is more useful to search for ranges in.
To make a histogram with the distribution of the single hostname IPs:Which gives the following useless noise, there is basically no pattern:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sqlite3 2013-dns-census-a-novirt.sqlite -cmd '.mode csv' >2013-dns-census-a-novirt-hist.csv <<EOF
select i, sum(cnt) from (
select floor(i/${bin}) as i,
count(*) as cnt
from t
group by 1
select *, 0 as cnt from generate_series(0, 255)
group by i
gnuplot \
-e 'set terminal svg size 1200, 800' \
-e 'set output "2013-dns-census-a-novirt-hist.svg"' \
-e 'set datafile separator ","' \
-e 'set tics scale 0' \
-e 'unset key' \
-e 'set xrange[0:255]' \
-e 'set title "Counts of IPs with a single hostname"' \
-e 'set xlabel "IPv4 first byte"' \
-e 'set ylabel "count"' \
-e 'plot "2013-dns-census-a-novirt-hist.csv" using 1:2:1 with labels' \
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