Largest ordinal inscription

ID: cool-data-embedded-in-the-bitcoin-blockchain/largest-ordinal-inscription

Largest ordinal inscription by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated +Created
We can get a list of the ordinals at: and then sort them by payload size with:
sort -k6 -n -t, ordinals.csv -o ordinals-sort-size.csv
This shows to us that as of block ~831k, there are 4 ordinals which are far far larger than any other between 3 MiB and 4 MiB, at about 10x larger than then 5th one d115a6e689086fd587e5032f24ba2a8c01f2f87cba758c9d5eb8cf7f6e9a816a
In those cases, a single inscription takes almost the entire block, and the inscribers must have had direct dealings with their mining pool:
As of 2024, all of the big ones were made in early 2023, so it seems that the trend has died down a bit.

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