Libertarianism simply refers to the notion of a minimal state. However, the term, especially in the US, generally refers to right-libertarianism, which also advocates for strong private property rights and a free market, and is also the meaning with which this FAQ uses it.
An important concept to libertarians is the non-agression principle (NAP), which forbids the non-consensual breach of contract (i.e., fraud), or of property (which includes the body). Aggression is, however, permitted to the extent necessary to defend against the above.
Right-libertarianism has several variants based on how minimal the state is:
- anarcho-captalism
, or ancap, which seeks to abolish the state, with private enforcement of the NAP
- minarchy
, or a night-watchman state, whose only role is to enforce the NAP
- classical liberalism
, the older and more moderate version of libertarianism, which still wants a minimal state, but not to the above extent
This FAQ aims to defend a minarchist model. All uses of 'libertarian(ism)' henceforth will refer to the same.
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