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A <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck">Brainfuck</a> interpreter with a REPL, written in x86-64 NASM assembly for Linux.
<table><tr><td><b>For a detailed tutorial on assembly language and building this interpreter, visit <a href="https://github.com/sidstuff/learnasm">sidstuff/learnasm</a>.</b></td></tr></table>
<small>Currently supports Brainfuck code and data upto 64 KiB each. Version using <code>malloc</code> coming soon.</small>


Clone the repository. To assemble from source, run </code>./bld</code>
To run a Brainfuck program, say <code>code.b</code>, run <code>./bf code.b</code>
To start the language shell, simply run <code>./bf</code>. To exit, press <kbd>⏎ Enter</kbd> when prompted for a command.

Within a session, the position of the data pointer, as well as the data itself, is preserved across commands.

Click <a href="http://brainfuck.org">here</a> for some sample Brainfuck programs and other information.

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