Scalable Vector Graphics
ID: scalable-vector-graphics
Companies have been really slow to support SVG features in their browsers, and that is very saddening:
You can't drop SVG support for
until there's a way to run untrusted JavaScript on the browser!SVG does have some compatibility annoyances, notably SVG fonts. But we should as a society work to standardize and implement a fix those, the benefits of SVG are just too great!
- svg/svg.svg a minimal somewhat sane SVG:
- if the
properties were not given, you get the default 300x150, which seems to be set in the SVG standard:
- if the
- how to add na SVG image to a HTML file:
- svg/svg.html: external image. The included file is svg/svg.svg.
- svg/inline.html: inline.
- svg/billion-laughs.svg
- svg/html.svg
- svg/triangle.svg
- svg/viewBox.svg: this attribute allows you to control the default SVG
svg width=
while keeping the coordinates of the drawing untouched. If theviewBox
aspect ratio differs from the width/height ratio, you likely want to play withpreserveAspectRatio
, otherwise you would get white spaces by default on the generated image - CSS with SVG:
- svg/style.svg: inline CSS
- svg/style-external.svg: external CSS with:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="svg.css" ?>
, see also: svg/subdir/style-external.html: is the relative CSS relative to the HTML or to the SVG? Answer: to the SVG... OMG. So how to make it work reliably?
- svg/current-color.html and svg/current-color.svg: illustrates
. Only works for inline SVG however... See also:
- JavaScript with SVG:
- svg/defs.html hows how
works- svg/defs-external.html tries to include external
from svg/defs.svg, but that fails like everything else related to external SVGs
- svg/defs-external.html tries to include external
New to topics? Read the docs here!