In this tutorial, we will use the Jena SPARQL hello world as a starting point. Tested on Apache Jena 4.10.0.
Basic query on rdf/vcard.ttl RDF Turtle data to find the person with full name "John Smith":Output:
sparql --data=rdf/vcard.ttl --query=<( printf '%s\n' 'SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <> "John Smith" }')
| x |
| <http://somewhere/JohnSmith/> |
To avoid writing Output:
a billion times as queries grow larger, we can use the PREFIX
syntax:sparql --data=rdf/vcard.ttl --query=<( printf '%s\n' '
PREFIX vc: <>
WHERE { ?x vc:FN "John Smith" }
| x |
| <http://somewhere/JohnSmith/> |
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