Maiden Voyage (Herbie Hancock album) Updated +Created
Uranium-233 Updated +Created
Produced as part of the thorium fuel cycle.
Thorium-229 Updated +Created
Album by Herbie Hancock Updated +Created
Person that worked at Facebook Updated +Created
Album by Charles Mingus Updated +Created
Uranium glass Updated +Created
Glass with Uranium added to it to become fluorescent due to Uranium's chemical properties. This is unrelated to Uranium's nuclear properties.
However it was this fluorescence that led Henri Becquerel to discover radioactivity while studying fluorescence, which led him to have Uranium compounds and photographic material in close proximity. I love science I guess.
Thorium fuel cycle Updated +Created
Herbie Hancock Updated +Created
Charles Mingus Updated +Created
Smooth jazz Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli defines "Smooth Jazz" simply as jazz that he can leave on the background to work without being particularly distracted.
It does not mean that the music is bad in any way. Just not particularly distracting.
  • Page One by Joe Henderson (1963)
Good jazz song Updated +Created
Jazz pianist Updated +Created
Jazz bassist Updated +Created
Good jazz album Updated +Created
Instrumental musician Updated +Created
Rare-earth element Updated +Created
Video 1.
The Secrets of the Super Elements
. Source. 2019, by the BBC. Official page:

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