Jena SPARQL hello world Updated +Created
They have a tutorial at:
Once you've done the Apache Jena CLI tools setup we can query all users with Full Name (FN) "John Smith" directly fom the rdf/vcard.ttl Turtle RDF file with the rdf/vcard.rq SPARQL query:
sparql --data=rdf/vcard.ttl --query=rdf/vcard.rq
and that outputs:
| x                             |
| <http://somewhere/JohnSmith/> |
Brewster's angle Updated +Created
Hund's first rule Updated +Created
Higher spin multiplicity means lower energy. I.e.: you want to keep all spins pointin in the same direction.
Enantiomer Updated +Created
Mirror images.
Key exmaple: d and L amino acids. Enantiomers have identical physico-chemical properties. But their biological roles can be very different, because an enzyme might only be able to act on one of them.
Polymorphism (materials science) Updated +Created
TODO definition. Appears to be isomers
AWS Deep Learning Base GPU AMI (Ubuntu 20.04) Updated +Created
These come with pre-installed drivers, so e.g. nvidia-smi just works on them out of the box, tested on g5.xlarge which has an Nvidia A10G GPU. Good choice as a starting point for deep learning experiments.
Condensed matter physics course of the University of Oxford Updated +Created
This could refer to several more specific courses, see the tagged articles for a list.
Neil Fernandez Updated +Created
“Especially my father. He was doing most of it and he is a savoury, strong character. He has strong beliefs about the world and in himself, and he was helping me a lot, even when I was at university as an undergraduate.”
An only child, Arran was born in 1995 in Glasgow, where his parents were studying at the time. His father has Spanish lineage, having a great grandfather who was a sailor who moved from Spain to St Vincent in the Carribean. A son later left the islands for the UK where he married an English woman. Arran’s mother is Norwegian.
“My father was writing and my mother is an economist. They both worked from home which also made things easier,” Arran says.
A bit like what Ciro Santilli feels about himself!
One of the articles says his father has a PhD. TODO where did he work? What's his PhD on? Photo:
Neil, a political economist, attended state and private schools in Hampshire but was also taught for a period at home by his mother.
It’s strange because for most people maths is a real turn-off, yet maths is all about patterns and children of two or three love patterns. It just shows that schools are doing something seriously wrong.”
Liquidity Updated +Created
Binary search tree Updated +Created
Hash table Updated +Created
Learning rate Updated +Created
Baryon vs meson vs lepton Updated +Created
"Barys" means "heavy" in Greek, because protons and neutrons was what made most of the mass of known ordinary matter, as opposed notably to electrons.
Baryons can be contrasted with:
  • mesons, which have an even number of elementary particles. The name meson comes from "medium" since their most common examples have two quarks rather than three as the most common baryons such as protons. So they have less mass than a proton, but more than an electron, this medium mass.
  • leptons, which are much lighter particles such as the electron. "Leptos" means "fine, small, thin".
Bitcoin developer Updated +Created
Alexanderson alternator Updated +Created
CGI comms variant Updated +Created
Atmospheric science Updated +Created

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