Accounting method Updated +Created
A detailed list of all transactions is kept at: sponsor/budget.js.
Ciro Santilli use the following accounting for this sponsorship calculations.
For significant one time donations, he takes the final money received in one of his cash GBP accounts, then he checks how much that is in dollars on Google at the time of cash out, and then writes that amount down as the final dollar value which is what ultimately counts. This exposes Ciro to USD/GBP fluctuations, but it simplifies accounting for donors which is more important, so it is likely worth it.
For small regular donations, Ciro just tallies it all up in GBP from time to time and converts it all to dollars in one go as it is not worth spending too much time updating those too often.
Progress updates Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli wants to make sure that you get clear highlights of what your donation money is going into!Sponsors also receive the "Ciro's Edit" email newsletter if desired, which contains similar updates to the above, but delivered directly to their inbox. Updated +Created
Mission: to live in a world where you can learn university-level mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and engineering from perfect free books that anyone can write to get famous.
Live website:
Further information and rationale: Section ""
The project's mission is one of, or perhaps the most important, life objective of Ciro Santilli. Reproductive goals aside. These two types of goal are incommensurable. This is one of the great challenges of life.
This is ongoing project.
Ciro's goals in advertising this half done project are is partly to obtain some feedback, and partly to give the idea to someone else who might help push it further, be it in this stack or not.
Better editing support is a must, likely WYSIWYG.
But besides that, it is already in broad strokes the best approach Ciro Santilli can come up with to try and reach the mission statement only with technical advances, i.e. without large amounts of money or political influence which Ciro Santilli does not have.
Maybe that website isn't enough of a technical advance to reach its mission. Maybe there is some further not yet imagined technical insight that would push it into viability. Maybe not. But one must try. Only God can know the answer to these questions.
As of 2022, Ciro has spent about 2.5 years full time working on this project. First he spent about 1 year in 2014 on the first iteration:, a GitLab fork, but then decided it was not the way to go.
Then around 2021 he put in some more 1.5 year of full time work, now with a possibly overly complicated (or perhaps just insane/immature) Next.js/Sequelize from scratch website stack.
It makes Ciro a bit ashamed to see that "so little user visible stuff was achieved in so much time". It is partly because he and many people underestimate the difficulty of web development. Perhaps there were some bad stack/useless feature choices issues. And a good dose of indulging in studying the natural sciences to bootstrap content and have fun. But really trying is the only way to learn.
Typeface Updated +Created
E-learning website Updated +Created
Generally, if something is labelled as "e-learning", it's not a good sign, as it implies that it adheres to the "teacher"/"student" separation which Ciro Santilli much despises: E-learning websites must allow students to create learning content.
Dengue virus Updated +Created
Silk Road Rales and Archives by moustache Updated +Created
A very good information dump!
PCR Updated +Created
More generic PCR information at: Section "Polymerase chain reaction".
Because it is considered the less interesting step, and because it takes quite some time, this step was done by the event organizers between the two event days, so participants did not get to take many photos.
PCR protocols are very standard it seems, all that biologists need to know to reproduce is the time and temperature of each step.
We did 35 cycles of:
  • 94˚C for 30 seconds
  • 60˚C for 30 seconds
  • 72˚C for 45 seconds
Figure 1.
Marshal Scientific MJ Research PTC-200 Thermal Cycler.
We added PCR primers for regions that surround the 16S DNA. The primers are just bought from a vendor, and we used well known regions are called 27F and 1492R. Here is a paper that analyzes other choices: (archive) "Evaluation of primers and PCR conditions for the analysis of 16S rRNA genes from a natural environment" by Yuichi Hongoh, Hiroe Yuzawa, Moriya Ohkuma, Toshiaki Kudo (2003)
One cool thing about the PCR is that we can also add a known barcode at the end of each primer as shown at Code 1. "PCR diagram".
This means that we bought a few different versions of our 27F/1492R primers, each with a different small DNA tag attached directly to them in addition to the matching sequence.
This way, we were able to:
  • use a different barcode for samples collected from different locations. This means we
    • did PCR separately for each one of them
    • for each PCR run, used a different set of primers, each with a different tag
    • the primer is still able to attach, and then the tag just gets amplified with the rest of everything!
  • sequence them all in one go
  • then just from the sequencing output the barcode to determine where each sequence came from!
Input: Bacterial DNA (a little bit)
... --- 27S --- 16S --- 1492R --- ...


Output: PCR output (a lot of)
Barcode --- 27S --- 16S --- 1492R
Code 1.
PCR diagram
Finally, after purification, we used the Qiagen QIAquick PCR Purification Kit protocol to purify the generated from unwanted PCR byproducts.
Taxonomy Updated +Created
Denial-of-service attack Updated +Created
SmartNIC Updated +Created
A network interface controller that does more than just the base OSI model protocols, notably in a programmable way.
Video 1.
Hyperscalers Lead The Way To The Future With SmartNICs by The Next Platform (2019)
Associated article: mentions that:
Google is widely believed to be working on its own design.
Internet Control Message Protocol Updated +Created
Abraham Updated +Created
96 well microplate Updated +Created
Biologists are obsessed with these!
Create a test user in PostgreSQL Updated +Created
In order to create a test user with password instead of peer authentication, let's create test user:
createuser -P user0
createdb user0
-P makes it prompt for the users password.
Alternatively, to create the password non-interactively
psql -c "create role NewRole with login password 'secret'"
Can't find a way using the createuser helper.
We can then login with that password with:
psql -U user0 -h localhost
which asks for the password we've just set, because the -h option turns off peer authentication, and turns off password authentication.
The password can be given non-interactively as shown at with the PGPASSWORD environment variable:
PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost
Now let's create a test database which user0 can access with an existing superuser account:
createdb user0db0
psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE user0db0 TO user0'
We can check this permission with:
psql -c '\l'
which now contains:
                                  List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges
 user0db0  | ciro     | UTF8     | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | =Tc/ciro             +
           |          |          |             |             | ciro=CTc/ciro        +
           |          |          |             |             | user0=CTc/ciro
The permission letters are explained at:
user0 can now do the usual table operations on that table:
PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost user0db0 -c 'CREATE TABLE table0 (int0 INT, char0 CHAR(16));'
PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost user0db0 -c "INSERT INTO table0 (int0, char0) VALUES (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (5, 'five'), (7, 'seven');"
PGPASSWORD=a psql -U user0 -h localhost user0db0 -c 'SELECT * FROM table0;'

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