A New Method of Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moment Updated +Created
Physical Review Volume 53, page 318.
Not paywalled as of 2024! A miracle! It is barely one page long.
This is the paper that contains the first successful report of experimental nuclear magnetic moment observation.
They promise more at the end:
We have tried this experiment with LiC1 and observed the resonance peaks of Li and Cl. The effects are very striking and the resonances sharp (Fig. 1). A full account of this experiment, together with the values of the nuclear moments, will be published when the homogeneous field is recalibrated.
and this promise was fulfilled on the later The Molecular Beam Resonance Method for Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moments.
Figure 1. .
This figure sums it all up: they were measuring the intensity of one side of a molecular beam after a Stern-Gerlach experiment.
Then, they vary the constant magnetic field before the splitting, and at the same time apply a fixed radio frequency to the beam.
When the constant magnetic field makes the energy gap match the radio frequency input, nuclear spin of many atoms goes to the anti-aligned direction, the beam gets diverted, so the previously detected beam gets weaker.
The Academic Family Tree Updated +Created
But unfortunately they don't have paper to paper citations.
neurotree.org/neurotree/faq.php explains that you have to contact an admin to download the database, kind of sad:
How can I export tree data for my own analysis?
Registered users should contact the site administrator (admin at neurotree dot org) for instructions on how to export data from the tree database.
That page also explains how they disambiguate authors with the same name:
How do you identify researchers' publications?
Publications data are drawn from two databases: Medline and Scopus. Because of the large number of researchers with the same name, a disambiguation algorithm is required to accurately link researchers to papers they have authored. We match authors to papers using a two-step process. First, we identify candidate publications based on a simple string match between researcher name and the author list. Second, we look for overlap between co-authors and other individuals in the researcher's mentor network (trainees, mentors, collaborators, etc), and label publications with overlap as high-probability matches. Thus a complete family tree is likely to produce more accurate publication matches.
The Molecular Beam Resonance Method for Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moments Updated +Created
Paywalled as of 2024.
Physical Review Volume 55, Issue 6.
This is almost certainly detailed paper that the one pager A New Method of Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moment promises at the end, they mention:
In two letters to this journal, we reported briefly on a new precision method of measuring nuclear moment, and on some results. In this paper we shall give a more detailed account of the method, apparatus and results.
and reference A New Method of Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moment.