- requires intense refrigeration to 15mK in dilution refrigerator. Note that this is much lower than the actual superconducting temperature of the metal, we have to go even lower to reduce noise enough, see e.g. youtu.be/uPw9nkJAwDY?t=471 from Video "Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)"
- less connectivity, normally limited to 4 nearest neighbours, or maybe 6 for 3D approaches, e.g. compared to trapped ion quantum computers, where each trapped ion can be entangled with every other on the same chip
Reaches 2 mK[ref]. youtu.be/upw9nkjawdy?t=487 from Video "Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)" mentions that 15 mK are widely available.
Used for example in some times of quantum computers, notably superconducting quantum computers. As mentioned at: youtu.be/uPw9nkJAwDY?t=487, in that case we need to go so low to reduce thermal noise.
Open source superconducting quantum computer hardware design!