Based on the Josephson effect. Yet another application of that phenomenal phenomena!
Philosophically, superconducting qubits are good because superconductivity is macroscopic.
It is fun to see that the representation of information in the QC basically uses an LC circuit, which is a very classical resonator circuit.
As mentioned at there are actually a few different types of superconducting qubits:
- flux
- charge
- phase
and hybridizations of those such as:
- microwave radiation to excite circuit, or do nothing and wait for it to fall to 0 spontaneously
- interaction: TODO
- readout: TODO
Non-linearity is needed otherwise the input energy would just make the state go to higher and higher energy levels, e.g. from 1 to 2. But we only want to use levels 0 and 1.
The way this is modelled in by starting from a pure LC circuit, which is an harmonic oscillator, see also quantum LC circuit, and then replacing the linear inductor with a SQUID device, e.g. mentioned at: Video "Superconducting Qubits I Part 1 by Zlatko Minev (2020)".
- requires intense refrigeration to 15mK in dilution refrigerator. Note that this is much lower than the actual superconducting temperature of the metal, we have to go even lower to reduce noise enough, see e.g. from Video "Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)"
- less connectivity, normally limited to 4 nearest neighbours, or maybe 6 for 3D approaches, e.g. compared to trapped ion quantum computers, where each trapped ion can be entangled with every other on the same chip
This is unlike atomic systems like trapped ion quantum computers, where each atom is necessarily exactly the same as the other.
Superconducting qubits are regarded as promising because superconductivity is a macroscopic quantum phenomena of Bose Einstein condensation, and so as a macroscopic phenomena, it is easier to control and observe.
This is mentioned e.g. in this relatively early: While most quantum phenomena is observed at the atomic scale, superconducting qubits are micrometer scale, which is huge!
Physicists are comfortable with the use of quantum mechanics to describe atomic and subatomic particles. However, in recent years we have discovered that micron-sized objects that have been produced using standard semiconductor-fabrication techniques – objects that are small on everyday scales but large compared with atoms – can also behave as quantum particles.
Atom-based qubits like trapped ion quantum computers have parameters fixed by the laws of physics.
However superconducting qubits have a limit on how precise their parameters can be set based on how well we can fabricate devices. This may require per-device characterisation.
In Ciro's ASCII art circuit diagram notation, it is a loop with three Josephson junctions:
| |
| |
| |
Used e.g. in the Sycamore processor.
The most basic type of transmon is in Ciro's ASCII art circuit diagram notation, an LC circuit e.g. as mentioned at from Video "The transmon qubit by Leo Di Carlo (2018)":
| Island 1 |
| |
| |
| Island 2 |
+----------+ from Video "Superconducting Qubits I Part 1 by Zlatko Minev (2020)" describes a (possibly simplified) physical model of it, as two superconducting metal islands linked up by a Josephson junction marked as
The circuit is then analogous to a LC circuit, with the islands being the capacitor. The Josephson junction functions as a non-linear inductor.
in the diagram as per-Ciro's ASCII art circuit diagram notation:
+-------+ +-------+
| | | |
| Q_1() |---X---| Q_2() |
| | | |
+-------+ +-------+
Others define it with a SQUID device instead: from Video "The transmon qubit by Leo Di Carlo (2018)". He mentions that this allows tuning the inductive element without creating a new device.
But seriously, this is a valuable little list.
The course is basically exclusively about transmons.
Funding rounds:
- March 2022: 27M Euros
About their qubit:
- Computing 256-bit elliptic curve logarithm in 9 hours with 126,133 cat qubits (2023). This describes their "cat qubit".
Google's quantum hardware/software effort.
The AI is just prerequisite buzzword of the era for any project.
According to job postings such as: their center is in Goleta, California, near Santa Barbara. Though Google tends to promote it more as Santa Barbara, see e.g. Daniel's t-shirt at Video "Building a quantum computer with superconducting qubits by Daniel Sank (2019)".
Cool dude. Uses Stack Exchange:
Started at Google Quantum AI in 2014.
Has his LaTeX notes at: One day he will convert to Interesting to see that he is able to continue his notes despite being at Google.
This is a good read: May 14, 2021. Their topology is so weird, not just a rectangle, one wonders why! You get different error rates in different qubits, it's mad.
The term "IBM Q" has been used in some promotional material as of 2020, e.g.: though the fuller form "IBM Quantum Computing" is somewhat more widely used.
They also internally named an division as "IBM Q":
Open source superconducting quantum computer hardware design!
Their main innovation seems to be their 3D design which they call "Coaxmon".
- 2023: $1m (869,000 pounds) for Japan expansion:
- 2022: $47m (38M pounds)
- 2017: $2.7m
Founding CEO of Oxford Quantum Circuits.
As mentioned at she is not the original tech person:
she was finally headhunted by Oxford Science and Innovation to become the founding CEO of OQC. The company was spun out of Oxford University's physics department in 2017, at which point Wisby was handed "a laptop and a patent".Did they mean Oxford Sciences Enterprises? There's nothing called "Oxford Science and Innovation" on Google. Yes, it is just a typo says it clearly:
I was headhunted by Oxford Sciences Enterprises to be the founding CEO of OQC. mentions that the core patent was by Dr. Peter Leek: