Boitatech Updated +Created
Some people from them contacted Ciro Santilli after Ciro's initial publishing of CIA 2010 covert communication websites.
After a quick Discord chat with them, it was apparent that these people were really cool and knowledgeable.
Also many of them seem to think university is broken and just go hack straigh away.
A perfect example of a dojo learning model.
Also they don't seem to need sleep. Go figure!
With pepole like this, there's hope for Brazil: Section "What poor countries have to do to get richer".
Group students by interest, not by age Updated +Created
Grouping by age as done in traditional education as of 2020 is useless.
Rather, we should group students by subject of interest; e.g. natural sciences, social sciences, a sport, etc., just like in any working adult organization!
This way, younger students can actually actively learn from and collaborate with older students about, see notably Jacques Monod's you can learn more from older students than from faculty.
This becomes even more natural when you try to give students must have a flexible choice of what to learn.
This age distinction should be abolished at all stages of the system, not only within K-12, but also across K-12, undergraduate education and postgraduate education.
This idea is part of the ideal that the learning environment should be more like a dojo environment (AKA peer tutoring, see also dojo learning model), rather than an amorphous checkbox ticking exercise in bureaucracy so that "everyone is educated".
Perhaps, even more importantly, is that we should put much more emphasis on grouping students with other students online, where we can select similar interest amongst the entire population and not just on a per-local-neighbourhood basis.